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2024-03-27 15:21:03

【#实用文# #英语第三单元教案经典#】教案课件是老师工作当中的一部分,每个老师对于写教案课件都不陌生。教案是教师教学的有效手段。精心挑选而来的“英语第三单元教案”一定能够给读者提供帮助,本文仅供参考具体操作建议您咨询专业人士!

英语第三单元教案 篇1

PEP小学英语四下Unit3 Is This Your Skirt?教案

Unit3 Is This Your Skirt? 一、学情分析 本单元要求学生能听、说、认读单词。Let’s do部分要求学生能根据指令做动作,以此进一步巩固新词的掌握情况。句型在第一册已出现过,学生们对此已不陌生,主要应引导学生把本单元5个新词融合到该句型中,让学生能实际运用。针对本单元教学内容,联系学情,我采用旧句型练习新知识,由词过渡到短语,然后再融合到句型中,以此来培养学生实际运用语言的能力。 二、单元内容分析 1.本单元重点学习服装名称及其单、复数的使用习惯。重点学习的句型是:Is this your skirt? Yes, it is.Is that your T-shirt? No, its not.These are your pants.Those are your shoes.A、B部分的Lets talk 渗透了这几个新的句型,应作为本单元的教学难点。服装与颜色和大小是紧相连的,应将学过的有关颜色及长短大小的形容词融合在对服饰的谈论当中。本单元设计了很多任务性活动,充分体现语言学习的交际功能,培养学生自主学习和合作学习的能力。 2.单元教学课时安排:六课时 三、单元教学目标 1.能力目标 (1)能简单描述衣物的大小、新旧和颜色,如:“My jacket is gray.Theyre so small.”等。 (2)能提问并回答有关衣物所属的一些问题,如:“Is this your skirt? Is that your T-shirt?”等。 (3)能听懂并发出与衣服相关的一些指令,如:Put on your T-shirt. (4)会唱歌曲“My Clothes”。 2.知识目标 (1)掌握A、B部分Read and write四线格中的单词和句子并能做到会听、说、读、写。 (2)认读A、B部分Lets learn、Lets talk中的单词和句子。 (3)理解Lets do、Lets chant等部分的内容并能够在教师指导和录音带的伴奏下完成听听做做和会吟唱等目标要求。 (4)了解Story time和Good to know等部分的内容。 3.情感、策略、文化等有关目标 (1)情感态度:能得体穿衣,不出穿衣尴尬局面。 (2)学习策略:注重合作学习,鼓励学生创新,尝试服装设计。 (3)文化目标:了解不同国家的服饰常识以及一些常见外来语的由来。                         A 第一课时 一、教学内容与目标 1.教学内容:A. Let’s learn  Let’s do C. Task time 2.教学目标: a.能够听、说、认读本课时的主要词组:white sweater, green skirt, brown jacket, blue dress, yellow T-shirt和red shirt。 b.能够听懂指示语,并按要求做出相应的动作,如:“Put on your T-shirt.Take off your jacket.Hang up your skirt.”等。 c.培养学生的创造力与想象力,能大胆设计自己喜欢的衣服。 二、教学重、难点 1.本课时需要重点掌握有关服装名称的六个词组。 2.难点是表示服装的名词与表示颜色的形容词连用及其读法。 3.Lets learn部分引入语:“I like the white sweater with the green skirt.”中with的用法是难点,教师可略作解释。 三、课前准备 1.教师准备衣服(实物)。 2.教师准备六张单词卡。 3.教师准备录音机及录音带。 4.学生准备一张白纸和彩笔。 四、教学步骤 1.热身/复习(Warm-up/ Revision) (1)Enjoy a song:My clothes (2)Let’s chant  T: I like green. How about you?  Ss: Me too.  S1: I like red. How about you?  Ss: Me too. … 2.呈现/操练(Presentation/Practice) (1)教学dress a.引入   播放歌曲“Who’s wearing yellow today?” b.呈现  当唱到“Who’s wearing yellow today?”时,  T: What color is she wearing?  S: Blue.  T: Yes, she’s wearing a blue dress today.  学生跟读dress,blue dress。  教师出示dress图片,  T: What’s this in English?  S: It’s a dress.  T: What color is it?  S: Blue.  T: Yes. It’s a blue dress. c.操练  教师在教室中走动,并根据学生的穿着,做以下问答:  T: Who is wearing a dress today?  S: I am / She is wearing a dress today.  T: What color is your / her dress?  S: It’s red. (2)教学skirt a.呈现 教师指着一位穿skirt的学生,问:Is she wearing a dress, too?   S: No, it isn’t.   T: It’s a skirt. b.操练  学生跟读,并根据卡片或实物描述其颜色,如:pink skirt c.巩固  学生根据同学穿着对话  S1: What is she wearing?  S2: A pink skirt. / A red dress. (3)教学shirt a.呈现   S: Look, I’m wearing a shirt. b.操练 (4)教学T-shirt  请学生当模特,其他学生根据“模特”的服饰选择, 用“I like the white sweater with the green skirt.”表达。  出示卡片,比较教学shirt和T-shirt。 (5)教学sweater,jacket并复习初学单词  游戏:What’s in my bag?  游戏进行几次后,在袋子中放入sweater和jacket,呈现并新授单词。 (6)Let’s chant  Shirt, shirt, white shirt.  T-shirt, T-shirt, orange T-shirt. Skirt, skirt, pink skirt. Dress, dress, green dress. Jacket, jacket, purple jacket. Sweater, sweater, red sweater. 3.巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension) (1)Let’s do (2)做本单元A Lets learn部分的课堂作业本。 (3)Task time 学生设计自己喜欢的衣物。 板书设计: Unit3 Is This Your Skirt?                 A 第二课时 一、教学内容与目标 1.教学内容:A. Let’s talk  Let’s play 2.教学目标: a.能听懂、会说:Is this your skirt? Yes, it is.Is that your T-shirt? No, its not.Whose is it? Its my T-shirt.并能在情景中进行运用。 b.能跟唱歌曲“My Clothes”,为学习B部分Lets talk中的新句型做铺垫。 c.能将所学的句子运用在游戏当中。 二、教学重、难点 1.本课时教学重点:让学生熟练掌握“Is this your... ? Yes, it is./ No, its not.”的用法。 2.本课时的难点是名词所有格的正确使用。 三、课前准备 1.教师准备Mike及其家人的'头饰。 2.教师准备本课时的教学挂图。 3.教师准备录音机、录音带。 4.教师准备各种衣物。 四、教学步骤 1.热身/复习(Warm-up/ Revision) (1)Lets do (P.A)。 (2)Enjoy a song:My clothes。 2.呈现/操练(Presentation/Practice) (1)教学Is this your shirt? Yes, it is. / No, its not.  What color is it? Blue. a.引入  教师课前准备各种衣服放在讲台上,指着衣服:I have a shirt here. Which is my shirt? Guess! 引导学生边指边问:Is this your shirt?  教师根据实际情况回答:No, it’s not. / Yes, it is. b.呈现  当学生猜不中时,教师提示学生:My shirt is blue.  教师帮助学生提问:What color is it? c.歌曲操练(用“两只老虎“的曲调)  Is this your shirt? Is this your shirt?  Yes, it is. Yes, it is.  What color is it? What color is it?  It’s blue. It’s blue. (2)Let’s talk  a.听录音至Dad:No, it isn’t.  b.学生带着问题What color is Alice’s skirt?再听录音。  c.跟读,自由读,并请学生分角色朗读。 (3)同法教学“Whose is it? Its my….” (4)学生听、说整段对话,进行对话表演。 3.巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension) (1)Lets play 学生根据黑板上的生词表画出个性化的衣物,教师鼓励学生将作品贴到黑板上。教师指着图问一名学生:Is this your...? Whose is this? 学生依次作答。教师布置学生预先画好,每次请一个小组的学生展示未写明名字的作品,教师或组内某位学生提问:Is this your...? 对方回答:Yes, it is./ No, its not.并指着某件作品询问:Is this / that his / her...? 以此练习名词所有格形式。 (2)做本单元A Lets talk部分的课堂作业本。 (3)课外用英语向朋友描述自己的衣物。 板书设计: Unit3 Is This Your Skirt? Is this your skirt?  Whose is it? Yes, it is. Its my T-shirt. Is that your T-shirt? No, its not.         A 第三课时 一、教学内容与目标 1.教学内容:A. Read and write C. Good to know 2.教学目标: a.能够四会掌握单词:red, yellow, green, blue, white以及句子:Is this your T-shirt? No, its not. b.能够理解并会阅读本部分对话。 c.了解中、英文几个常用外来词语的来源。 二、教学重、难点  1.重点:掌握四会词汇及句子。 2.难点:四会词汇及句子的拼写。 三、课前准备 1.教师准备录音机和录音带。 2.教师准备相应的挂图和四会单词卡片。 3.教师准备相应的动物头饰。 四、教学步骤 1.热身/复习(Warm-up/ Revision) (1)Sing“the Color Song” (2)Free talk   T: What color is your sweater?   S: My sweater is red.   T: Is this your jacket?   S: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. 2.呈现/操练(Presentation/Practice) (1)red, blue, yellow, green, white的书写   教师出示T-shirt卡片,与学生问答:   T: What’s this?   S: It’s a T-shirt?   T: What color is it?   S: It’s red.   T: Can you spell the word“red”?   教师帮助学生拼读单词,将卡片贴在黑板上。并在四线格中示范书写,学生书空模仿。   以类似的方法教学blue, yellow, green, white的拼写 (2)句子Is this your T-shirt? No, its not.的书写。   提醒学会注意大小写规则,特别是T-shirt的书写格式。并稍带解释No, it isn’t.和No, its not.   写法不同,意思相同,两种写法均可。 (3)趣味操练   a

英语第三单元教案 篇2



A.Let’s learn / Read and say.二、教学目标: 1.能够听、说、读、写表示月份单词及能认简写形式:January,February,March,April,May,June 2.初步了解各个月份中一些节日的英语表达方式。3.让学生能说出自己最喜欢的月份(1---6月)。


1.重点完全掌握January,February,March,April,May,June.的学习。2.难点学生能够在正确的语境中运用这六个单词;根据实际情况判断句子的正误并进行 相应的修改。



五、教学过程: Step 1.预习温故

1)Greetings: sing a song together.2)Revision:Go over the old words: Monday, Tuesday„„Sunday.T:What day is it today? S: Today is......T: Today is also my birthday.Do you know “When is your birthday?” Ss: 一月、二月„(可用中文说出月份)Step 2.新课内容展示

1)板书: the title “Unit 3 My school calendar”并教读.2)Learn the new words:January, February, March, April, May.June T:January January spell it please.S:Read after teacher and spell the word.3)T: Make a sentence: My birthday is in January.S:Read after teacher(同样的方法教其他单词)引导学生自己说出句子如:January January.My birthday is in January..(明确告知学生在只有月份的情况下只


4)引导学生找出1---6月份中的节日及自己能用英文读出的名称,如:Children’s Day 等。T:When is your birthday? S:My birthday is in January./ It’s in January.T:When is Children’s Day? S:It’s in June.„„„„„.5)Listen to the tape(let’s learn)Step 3.合作交流:

1)小组合作:(6人)分别用When is your birthday? S:My birthday is in January/ February.造句。(规定每人选择一个与他人不同的月份)。

2)两人交流对话: When is May Day? S:It’s in May.„„„„..3)Finish “Read and say”.Step4、布置当堂作业

1.完成January, February, March, April, May.June 在四线三格上的写法。2.写一句自己今天才学会最感兴趣的句子。


Unit 3 My school calendar January February March April May June When is Tree Planting Day? It’s in March.第二课时


B Let’s talk Write and talk



2.能用理解Let’s talk 的大意,能用正确的语音语调朗读对话。3.能在语境中运用When is the singing contest?-----It’s usually in May.类似句型来交流相关月份及节日。


重点:Let’s talk中四会句型:When is......?的掌握及回答。难点:Write and talk




五、教学过程: Step 1.预习温故

1)、Review the words :January„.May.June.2)、T: When is winter vacation? /Father’s day......S s: It’s in.....Go over the sentences..Step 2.新课内容展示

1)T:讲解重难点单词及短语“a few fun things” After, an Easter party, have a school trip, cool并板书

2)Read the Let’s talk after the tape five times.3)T: How many festivals have you heard?(听短文回答问题)S:Three.They are sports meet, Easter party and school trip.T:When is Easter party/school trip? Ss: It’s in....4)翻译并阅读重点句子 5)Write and talk: T: When is school trip?/ Chinese test/ singing contest....? S: It’s in....Step 3.合作交流:


2)Role play: 两人小组对话,轮流模仿以上老师的问句及同学们的答语。Step4、布置当堂作业

和同桌一起背诵 Let’s talk的对话


Unit 3 My school calendar When is the singing contest? It’s usually in May.第三课时


B Let’s learn、Ask and write


1.能够听、说、读、写表示月份单词及能认简写形式:July, August, September, October, November, December.2.初步了解各个月份中一些节日的英语表达方式。3.让学生能说出自己最喜欢的月份(7---12月)。

三、教学重难点: 重点:July, August, September, October, November, December.的学习。难点:When is Mid-Autumn Day? It’s in„..的学习。

四、教学准备 words cards.五、教学过程 Step 1.预习温故 1)Greetings: sing a song together.2)Revision:Go over the old words: January, „„.May.June T:Do you like January? / February......Ss: Yes, I do.T: Do you know July ?(板书该单词)Ss: It’s 7 月.教师依次板书出7--12月及简写形式(也可是事先准备好的单词卡片直接粘贴到黑板 上)

Step 2.新课内容展示

1)Teach the new words:July, August, September, October, November, December.T:July.July Spell it please.S:Read after teacher and spell the word.2)T: Make a sentence: July, July.Summer vacation is in July.S:Read after teacher(同样的方法教其他单词,并引导学生自己说出句子如:

September September.Teachers’ Day is in September.)。

3)引导学生找出7---12月份中的节日及自己能用英文读出的名称,如:Teachers’ Day 等。T:When is your birthday? S:My birthday is in August./ It’s in January.T:When is China’s National Day? S:It’s in October.„„„„„.3)Listen to the tape(let’s learn)Step 3.合作交流:

1)小组合作: When is Mid-Autumn Day? S:It is in „/ It’s in December.2)Finish “Ask and write”.Step4、布置当堂作业 1.完成July, August, September, October, November, December.在四线三格上的写法。2.写一句自己今天才学会最感兴趣的句子。


Unit 3 My school calendar July August September October November December When is Mid-AutumnDay? It’s usually in September or October.I’ll eat mooncakes with my family.第四课时


B Let’s try、Let’s talk


1.能用理解Let’s talk 的大意,能用正确的语音语调朗读对话。

2.能在语境中运用When is the trip this year?-----It’s in October..3.理解书上重点句子,如: We’ll go to the Great Wall.4.在本部分内容的教学过程当中,教师引导学生在外出郊游时应该注意自己的行为,养成文明出游的良好习惯。

三、教学重难点: 重点:句型:When is......?的掌握及回答。难点:I’ll句型的学习。


听力材料和let’s talk 的视频

五、教学过程 Step 1.预习温故

1)、Review the words : July, August „„„ December.2)、T: When is summer vacation? /mother’s day......S s: It’s in.....Go over the sentences.Step 2.新课内容展示 1)T : Do you like Autumn? S s: Yes, I do.T;Why ? S s: Because it’s....2)listen to tape about Let’s talk.(初步感知对话内容)T: When is the trip this year? S:It’s in October.(学生可看到书自己寻找答案)3).learn about the “Let’s talk”.And read after the tape/teacher.4)Finish the sentences “What will you do for your mum on Mother’s Day”? I’ll __________________________.___________ will _________________________.Step 3.合作交流:

Role play: 两人小组对话,轮流模仿Chen Jie 和Oliver 的对话。听录音,模仿对话的语音语调。Step4、布置当堂作业

和同桌一起背诵 Let’s talk的对话


Unit 3 My school calendar When is the trip thia year? It’s in October.We’ll go to the Great Wall.第五课时


B Let’s spell Read and write

二、教学目标: 1.能够通过听例词发音,学习ch和sh在单词中的单词中的发音。2.能根据ch和sh组合的发音,读出生词,3.理解书上重点句子,如: We will play many games.We will look for eggs......三、教学重难点

句型:We will....的掌握及回答。

四、教学准备 ppt,视频

五、教学过程 Step1 : 预习温故

1.Review these words: January, February,„„„November, December 2.Review these sentences:

T: When is......? Ss: It’s.....多和几组学生操练。

Step 2.新课内容展示


(一)Learn“Let’s spell”.1.Read listen and chant.: ch/ sh(注意让学生听懂不同的发音)2.Listen,number and say。()Chinese children()an English teacher()a short sheep()fish for lunch()a shirt and shorts Can you try to read the words by yourself? 3.Choose , write and say.(老师先示范并读出所组成的句子。)

(二)Read and write: Easter Party 1.Ss: Read the passage and try to translate the sentences and finish Tick or cross 2.老师讲评并反复重复句型 We will........3.Read and tick or cross.4.Write three sentences about what will you do if you have a birthday party.Step 3.合作交流,师生共建

1.读一读含有字母组合ch和 sh的单词。2.同桌相互分享自己所写句子。Step 4.布置作业


Unit 3 My school calendar ch: China chicken lunch teacher sh: sheep fish shirt shorts



B Let’s check Let’s wrap it up C story time

二、教学目标: 1.通过本课学习,能加强对本单元知识点的掌握。2.语法知识:in on at的用法。3.能听懂story time的故事内容。


1.熟练掌握in on at 的用法。2.试着自己总结本单元的知识点。

四、教学准备 本节课的小测试卷

五、教学过程 Step1 : 预习温故 Main scene 1.Turn to page22and page23.Try to read and translate these sentences:When is...2. Find out the answers.3. T and Ss talk about the meaning of these sentences.4. 全班齐读两遍。Step 2.新课内容展示(一)Let’s check p30

(二)Let’s wrap it up.同学们先完成书上的练习然后总结in, on, at的用法。

(三)Story time.1.S guess what happened in the story.2.Read after the tape twice.3.Talk about the main meaning of the story.Step 3.合作交流,师生共建

1.Review the words :January, February, March, April, May,June,July, August, September, October, November, December 2.Review the sentences:

T: When is the school tripe? S: It’s in „.T: What day is it today? S: It’s Monday.总结:说说学到了什么?


Unit 3 My school calendar

Teachers’ Day is in_____________________.New Year’s Day is in____________________.China’s National Day is in______________.American Thanksgiving Day is in__________.Christmas is in__________________________.Children’s Day is in____________________.

英语第三单元教案 篇3


































英语第三单元教案 篇4













































英语第三单元教案 篇5


















英语第三单元教案 篇6

Unit3 Where did you go?





本单元是义务教育PEP小学英语教科书六年级下册教材第三单元,围绕Where did you go?即你去了哪里和做了什么展开,教材创设了去吐鲁番、三亚游玩两个场景,并附加一个场景和一个趣味故事来帮助学生理解记忆。去过哪里和做了什么这些话题学生在实际生活中使用较广。六年级学生已经掌握了一些关于地点和行为动词的词汇,在本单元学习中,重点通过听、说、读、写等活动使学生掌握本单元的主要交际语言: Where did you go? What did you do?等去过哪里,做了什么的交际用语和相关功能词汇,并能通过学习,进一步发展学生的语言交际能力,解决现实生活中去过哪里和做过什么的问题。

三、单元教学目标 1.知识目标

(1)能够掌握本单元出现的:went, camp, rode, bought, gifts等单词和词组,并熟练朗读和运用。

(2)通过对话学习能够掌握主要句型:Where did you go? Did you go to Turpan? How did you get there? We went there by plane.What happened? 等,并能熟练运用于实际交流中。



3.情感态度目标 通过本课学习,能养成主动用英语交际的习惯和关心他人的良好品德。


1、能够听、说、读、写五个有关周末活动的词组: rode a horse, rode a bike, went camping, hurt my foot, went fishing。并能够正确运用上述五个词组谈论周末活动。


3、能够听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用句型Where did you go? What did you do? 听说读写单词和词组:ate, took, bought, gift, took pictures.4、理解Let’s talk部分的内容并能听说认读学习目标中的句子。理解It was a bad day but also a good day!的意思。


6、学生能用句型进行简单的对话用所学句型简单介绍自己的winter holiday.能够根据提示从日记中获取关键信息;能够利用上述信息仿照教材中的日记,并根据所提供的内容补全短文,描述自己一天的生活。




第1课时: A Let’s learn/Listen, answer and write 第2课时: A Let’s try/Let’s talk 第3课时: B Let’s learn/Look and say 第4课时: B Let’s try/Let’s talk 第5课时: Read and write 第6课时: Let’s check/Let’s wrap it up/Story time


A Let’s learn/Listen, answer and write


1.能够听、说、读、写五个有关周末活动的词组: rode a horse, rode a bike, went camping, hurt my foot, went fishing。



重点:能够听、说、读、写五个有关周末活动的词组: rode a horse, rode a bike, went camping, hurt my foot, went fishing。并能够正确运用上述五个词组谈论周末活动。







六、教学过程 Step 1.预习温故

Show the pictures and Go over the phrases of Unit 2.S1: watched TV S2: I watched TV S3: I watched TV last weekend.同样的方法复习cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, read a book, saw a film, had a cold and slept.Free talk.---What did you do last weekend?---I watched TV./...Step 2.新课内容展示 1.教学短语

(1)Show the picture of ride a horse.教读短语T: ride a horse I often ride a horse.(学生跟读)Go camping, hurt my foot,go fishing.(用同样的方法复习这些词组)(2)呈现句子T: I rode a horse last weekend.同样的方法教学短语rode a bike, went camping, hurt my foot,went fishing.(3)T: What did you do last weekend? Ss: I rode a horse/ went camping „(学生多操练)2.T: Where did you go last Saturday? I went to a forest park.师生互答。3.Play the tape of Let’s learn.学生跟读,然后分角色朗读对话。Step 3.合作交流:

Play a game.叫一名同学到讲台前表演动作,其他的同学说出短语。学生灵活运用本课时词组,自由编对话。

Finish Listen, answer and write.齐读这些句子。学唱歌曲《Tell me about your holiday》.Step4、布置作业 1.抄写并背诵四会短语。2.用本课时句型写一个对话。


Unit 3 Where did you go? rode a horse, rode a bike, went camping, hurt my foot and went fishing.ride – rode go – went hurt--hurt Zhang Peng: Where did you go last Saturday? John: I went to a forest park.Zhang Peng: What did you go there? John: I rode a bike.课后反思: 这节课是以旅游为主题的语篇教学,其教学内容多而零散,词汇语法知识都比较难。要将这些词汇紧紧地联系起来教学,帮助学生充分理解课文,并引导学生做到学以致用是一件非常困难的事情。通过这节课,我发现需要精心设计这些内容,将其非常流畅、巧妙地布局在一个大情境中。大情境中又暗含着很多小的情景,自然合理,贴近学生的实际、贴近生活。


A Let’s try/Let’s talk


能听懂Let’s try并完成Tick and cross.能理解Let’s talk并能听说认读下列句子: What happened? Are you all right? I’m OK now.Where did you go? It looks like a mule.Did you go to Turpan? Yes, we did.能听说认读单词 fell off, mule, could, till, Labour Day, Turpan。


重点:1.能够按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。能够听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用句型Where did you go? What did you do? 难点:理解句子:I fell off my bike last Saturday and hurt my foot.三、教法学法




六、教学过程 Step 1.预习温故

复习Let’s learn.Eg: rode a horse.I rode a horse last weekend.Free talk.--Where did you go last Sunday/ Saturday?--I went to a forest park.--What did you do there?--I rode a bike./...Step 2.新课内容展示

教读并理解重点单词和句型fell off, mule, could, till, Labour Day, Turpan What happened? Are you all right? I’m OK now.Where did you go? It I fell off my bike last Saturday and hurt my foot.2.学生听录音,老师教读对话。3.学生小组阅读对话并回答问题。(1).What happened to John?(2).Where did John go over his holiday?(3).What did he do? 4.学生讲解对话,教师补充答疑。Step 3.合作交流

Role play.学生灵活运用本课时句型和所学词组扮演John和Amy打电话。2.Finish Let’s try.Step4、布置当堂作业 1.熟读Let’s talk.2.抄写教学目标中的句子。


Unit 3 Where did you go? fell off, mule, could, till, Labour Day, Turpan---What happened?---I hurt my foot.---Are you all right?---I’m OK now.---Did you go to Turpan? looks like a mule.Did you go to Turpan? Yes, we did.---Yes, we did./ No, we didn’t.八、课后反思:



B Let’s learn/Look and say


1.能够听、说、读、写四个描述假期活动的词组:ate fresh food, went swimming, took pictures, bought gifts。

2.能够正确运用上述四个词组描述自己的暑假生活。3.能够看图描述Andy 的暑假生活。


重点:听说读写单词和词组:ate, took, bought, gift, took pictures.难点:掌握不规则动词的过去式。





六、教学过程 Step 1.预习温故

齐读P25,师生互译重点短语和句子。Translate the following sentences.What happened? Are you all right? I’m OK now.It looks like a mule.Did you go to Turban? Yes, we did.Step 2.新课内容展示 教学短语

(1)教读短语T: Eat fresh food.I often eat fresh food.同样的方法教学 take pictures, buy gifts, go swimming.(2)呈现句子:I ate fresh food last Sunday.同样的方法教学went swimming, took pictures, bought gifts(3)T: What did you do last Sunday? Ss: I ate fresh food.(学生多操练)3.T:How was your summer holiday? Ss: It was good.I went fishing every weekend and took lots of pictures.师生互答。

4.Play the tape of Let’s learn.学生跟读。Step 3.合作交流:

学生两人小组读短语:一人做动作,一人用动词的过去式说短语。Role play: 学生灵活运用本课时词组表演Amy和Wu Yifan的对话。Finish “Look and say” and read these sentences.全班齐读 P27.Step4、布置作业



Unit 3 Where did you go? ate fresh food, went swimming, took pictures, bought gifts.eat—ate take—took buy--bought--How was your summer holiday?--It was good.I went swimming every weekend and took lots of pictures.八、课后反思:



B Let’s try/Let’s talk


1.能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意,并回答读后问题。2.能够按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。3.能够听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用句型 Where did you go „? How did you go there? What did you do? 谈论假日安排;能够通过对话学习了解新疆的风土人情。



重点:理解Let’s talk部分的内容并能听说认读学习目标中的句子。难点:用所学句型简单介绍自己的winter holiday.三、教法学法





Step 1.预习温故

pictures and go over the phrases: Eg: ate fresh food, I ate fresh food...2.Free talk: T: How was your holiday? Ss: It was good.T: What did you do? Ss: I went swimming./...Step 2.新课内容展示 1.板书并教读重点句型

T: Where did you go last summer holiday? Ss: I went to...T: How did you go there? Ss: I went there by plane./...T: Sounds great!2.学生听录音,老师教读对话。3.学生谈论P26的五张图片。.4..Read and answer the questions:(1)Where did Amy go last winter holiday?(2)How did she go there?(3)What did she do there?(4)How was the beach? 5.学生讲解对话,教师释疑。Step 3.合作交流: 1.Role play.2.学生灵活运用所学单词及词组句子谈论自己的winter holiday.S1: Where did you go last winter holiday? S2: I went to...S1: How did you go there? S2: We went there by...S1: What did you do there? S2: I...S1: Sounds great!3.Finish Let’s try.Step4、布置作业 1.熟读Let’s talk.2.抄写第三单元的句子。


Unit 3 Where did you go?

例: S1: Where did you go last winter holiday? S2: I went to...S1: How did you go there? S2: We went there by...S1: What did you do there? S2: I...S1: Sounds great!



第五课时 Read and write


1.理解Read and write的内容并完成后面的练习。2.能听说认读单词basket, part, licked, laughed

3、能听懂,会说句子Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike.We dressed up and made a funny play.It was a bad day but also a good day!4.能够懂得凡事都有好坏两面,只要努力坏事也能转化成好事的道理。



2.理解It was a bad day but also a good day!的意思。







Step 1.预习温故

1.Go over phrases: rode a horse, rode a bike, went camping, hurt my foot, went fishing, ate fresh food, went swimming, took pictures, bought gifts 2.Free talk: T: How was your last Sunday? Ss: It was fine.T: Where did you go? Ss: I went to...T: What did you do there? Ss: I rode a bike./...Step 2.新课内容展示

1.T: Something may happen everyday.Something is good and something is bad.But Wu Yifan had a bad but good day.Then, What happened? Please turn to page 28.Read the passage and finish the task of page 29.You can discuss with your partner.2.教师板书讲解单词及句子:basket, part, licked, laughed.Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike.We dressed up and made a funny play.It was a bad day but also a good day!教读。

3.学生小组阅读并讲解课文,教师答疑,完成后面的练习。4.Play the tape to listen to the passage.Step 3.合作交流:

1.领读Read and write 中的句子并纠正读音。

2.师生互译下列单词及句子:basket, part, licked, laughed.Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike.We dressed up and made a funny play.It was a bad day but also a good day!3.Write about students’ bad but good day.Step4、布置作业 抄写第三单元短语及句子


Unit 3 Where did you go? basket part licked laughed




Let’s check/Let’s wrap it up/Story time





重点:1.复习并掌握本单元的单词和句子 2.借助图片理解Story time中的故事。


三、教法学法 教师指导学生通过阅读趣味故事,复习巩固本单元所学语言,增加学生语言输入。学生可以根据教师的安排,进行角色扮演,通过扮演角色来体验其中的意义。



六、教学过程 Step 1.预习温故


2.T: How was your winter holiday? Ss: It was fine.T: Where did you go? Ss: I went to...T: How did you go there? Ss: By...T: What did you do there? Ss: I...Step 2.新课内容展示 Main scene 1.T: John had a good Labour Day holiday.Please turn to page 22.Read the dialogue and tell me “What happened to John? ”

2.Read and explain the dialogue.4.听录音,读对话。

5.Role play.分角色表演对话。

6.Finish let’s check and let’s wrap it up.Step 3.合作交流:

1.小组合作阅读Story time.每个小组阅读一幅图。2.小组代表讲解,教师答疑 3.表演故事。(时间允许的情况)Step5、布置作业



Unit 3 Where did you go?---Where did you go?--I went to the moon.---How did you go there? –-By spaceship.---What did you see?--I saw the rabbit.八、课后反思:


英语第三单元教案 篇7


1、知识目标:能听、说、认、读四会单词:boat. ball.kite. plane. doll. car. ballooon

2、技能目标:能根据指令做动作,练习并运用所学的单词,从而提 高学生综合运用语言的能力。

3、情感目标:增加学生对英语学习的信心和兴趣,培养学生有兴趣听英语,乐于模仿,敢于开口 ,积极参与的情感态度。


教学重点:学生能听、说、认、读单词boat .ball. kite. plane .doll .car. ballooon.

教学难点:能根据指令做出相应的动作,单词kite的发音 。




T: Good morning,boys and girls. (面带微笑并打手势)

Ss:Good morning Miss Chen. T:How are you?(教师双手摊开)

Ss:Fine, thank you.

T:Sit down., please.(手势示意学生坐下)


2、Count the numbers from 1 to 10 and 10 to 1。 T: Do you remember the numbers ? Ss:Yes. T:Let’s count from 1 to 10, Ok ? Ss:Ok. (师生共做手势共数) T:Great ! Let’s count from 10 to 1 , Ok ? Ss:Ok.



3、 Sing the song “Ten Little Candles Dance”. T:Let’s sing the song “Ten Little Candles Dance”. (师生跟随音乐共唱共做动作)




T:(指着黑板上的花树)Look!I prepared a big flower tree and some flowers . (并拿出花给学生看)The red one stands for Croup1 . The pink one stands for Group The yellow one stands for Group

(边说边 向学生示意)Ok ? Ss:Ok. T: Let’s go on .


2、Let’s learn

T:This class we’ll learn some toys . Let’s watch .

(1) boat:

老师示范发音两遍(用手势示意学生静听)后让学生跟读。 Draw a boat on the Blackboard . T: what ? Ss:

It’s a boat .

教师拿起词卡,教此单词并操练。(Read it one by one, Group by Group. Together. 师声高(低)生声低(高) or hiding game )

(2)ball:T:Let’s go on!watch ! what’s this ?


Draw a ball on the Bb . Ast : what this?

Ss: It’s a ball .


老师示范 发音和动作Bounce the ball

⑤教师拿起事先准备好的球,边教边做动作边操练。 (Teach the other words in the same way)

(3) Balloon: 老师示范动作:Blow up the balloons .

教师拿出事先准备好的三个气球 T : what are these ? Ss:

Balloons . T : Yes . Let’s blow up the balloons .

(喊三名学生到前面,即一个组一名,比赛,下面的学生喊 Blow up the balloons ,,,,台上面的三名学生开始吹,到老师喊停的那一刻,看哪个组的学生把气球吹的最大,即可为本组赢得一支花。)

用同样的方法教授kite car doll plane依次出示图片。



( Let’s play ) Missing game :

1、教师拿起准备好的七样物品,逐一问一遍: T:what’s this ? Ss:It’s a ,,,, T:Close your eyes.(教师示范,学生闭眼,教师快速藏起一物品问) Now , open your eyes . What’s missing ? 看哪一组的学生说的又快又准,即可为本组赢得一支花。

[设计意图]:Missing game 能让学生在最短的时间里把他们的注意力迅速的集中起来,即操练了新单词,又增强了他们敢说、想说英语的兴趣,同时奖励措施的实施,把他们的兴趣提到了最高点,增强了他们说的能力。

Matching game :

2、教师拿起事先准备好的词卡,快速逐一出示并问:T:What ? 进行抢答游戏,说对此单词的同学就能赢得此词卡,并为本组赢得一支花。

T:Now . Let’s play a matching game .(教师用手势示意,指着下面的学生)You say:boat boat go go go (指着台上的拿着词卡的七位学生),you match the words with the right pictures(用手势做一贴的动作)Ok ? Ss:Ok.

3、 Please look at the blackboard . Let’s check their answers . 师生逐个看一遍,对贴对的同学教师可奖励小贴士。

[设计思路]: Listening and Guessing game T:Let’s listen and guess . What’s this ? (放碟) A:在Lily 老师问What’s this ?之后按暂停键,教师让学生举手猜。 B:放碟,订正学生的答案(说对的学生可为本组赢一支花) [设计思路及资源应用分析]:三年级的学生天生好奇、好动,通过资源中听声音来让学生猜物品,不仅可以从视觉上给学生带来全新的刺激,更能从听觉上对学生进行全新的体验,轻而易举的把学生感官系统充分的调动起来了。

Let’s do T:Next .Let’s listen and do . 老师说第一遍的时候,让学生坐在位置上跟读(让学生从语言中感知)。 老师说第二遍的时候,让学生静听(让学生从语言和动画中感知)。 老师说第三、四遍的时候,让学生站起来边拍手边做动作(让学生自己动起来,从亲身体验中感知语言)。


4、Let’s check T:Now please take out your pictures .

Let’s listen and color them . (放碟学生边听边涂色) T:Now check your answers . (听音,检查答案) Are you right ? SS:Yes . T:Look at your pictures . Let’s read after it .(让学生跟读)

Let’s chant。

Let’s talk。


5、Wrap up

(1) T:What have we learnt in this class . Let’s watch .

T:Are you clear ? Ss:Yes . T:After class please say these words to your parents . Ok ? Ss:Ok.

(2)T:This class . Which group is winner ? Let's count .(师生共数)Group1(2、3):One two ,,,, Which group is winner ? Ss:Group 2 .(1、3) T:Let’s clap for them . Ok . Ss:Ok . (师生共拍) T:So much for this class . Bye . S:See you.


五、Design of the Bb:

Unit 6 Happy Birthday ! boat ball kite plane car doll

英语第三单元教案 篇8

PEP三年级下册小学英语 第一单元 单元备课


本单元是开学的第一个单元Welcome back to school 欢迎学生回到学校,很快就把学生拉到学习上来,不再三心二意,从巩固问候语开始,如Good morning,boys and to meet to meet you, too.接着学习自我介绍I’m?I’m from? Where are you from?国家名称Canada, China, America基本的课堂用语Come in.和英语的前五个字母A—E及以他们为首的单词。

知识基础:在上个学期知识点的基础上Good to meet you.进一步扩展新的知识,易于学生接受 ,更好的学习自我介绍。


听懂、会说:This is my to meet are you from? I am from.....并在实际情景中运用

能听、说、认读主要单词boy, girl, 能说出国家名称:Canada, China,America 能听、说、读、写字母A-E听懂、会说以这五个字母为首的单词apple,ant,boy,coffee,duck,egg, 能听懂指示语并做出相应动作。重点、难点

自我介绍::I’m?I’m from?及介绍他人

简单的课堂用语:Good morning,boys and girls.难点的对话的讲解b部分的 教具、学具


课件及国家、动物图片 课时安排 教学内容

Part A Let's talk Part A Let's learn Part A Let's say Part B Let's talk Part B Let's learn Part B Let's say

教学重点 问候语及自我介绍

单词boy,girl短语:Watch out!字母A--C及相应的单词

教学时数 一课时 一课时 一课时


型:Where are you from? I'm from.......课堂用语:Come in.字母D--E及指令练习

一课时 一课时 Unit 1 Welcome back to school 第一课时 教学内容与目标: Let’s talk 本部分主要巩固Good morning./ Hi.并学习新句型:We have a new friend ’m from ?(国家)。Welcome!通过教学会话,让学生学会介绍他人及做自我介绍。Let’s practice 为了巩固Let’s talk部分而设计的练习。教学重点、难点:





接着刚才的环节教师继续和学生对话,如班上有新同学,引入We have a new friend.如没有新同学就安排个学生戴上Amy的头饰,引出该句。

T:带领全班一起说Amy!Welcome!注意不要将Welcome的发音发错了。(2)教师戴上头饰,手中兴起中国的国旗,扮演Bai Ling: Hi, I’m Bai ’m from China.(手中挥动中国国旗)。利用国旗卡片,教读China, America, Canada三国的名字。







(2)向家长朋友做自我介绍,巩固会话内容。反思: 第二课时

教学内容与目标: 1.Let’s learn 主要学习掌握单词:girl,boy, 要求学生能听、说、认读,并能听懂、会说“Watch out!”这个短语。2.Let’s play 本部分是为了练习和运用对话部分的内容,提供给学生一个在实际生活中运用语言的机会。此外,老师还可以根据实际情况多设计一些游戏活动。3.学习字母Aa,Bb,Cc,及这些字母开头的单词。4.Let’s chant 通过歌谣复习字母,增强语感。教学重点、难点:

单词的记忆,认读和对话中的句型在实际生活中的应用。三个字母的书写,及培养学生的书写习惯。教学准备: 教师准备人物图片

学生准备朋友的照片或者动物的图片和玩具,活动手册。有四线格的小黑板 教学过程:


老师利用卡片教读boy, girl。学生在前面的学习中已经积累了这两个词汇。创设情景出示watch out.让学生明白是当心的意思。听录音,跟读词汇,注意单词的认读及拼读规则的积累。3.趣味操练(Practice)

(1)教师出示卡片一部分,让学生判断boy or girl。(2)游戏“听音猜人”

一生蒙住眼睛,其余生可改变声音向他打招呼。请他猜boy or girl。猜对可为本组赢得一分。学习新字母及以这个字母开头的单词。


4、拓展巩固Production 活动手册第2页的内容。

目标:检查学生对单词boy,girl的掌握情况。字母描红,不能完成的留作家庭作业。5.检测提高Progress 听录音,跟读单词。

用巩向家长或朋友介绍自己,并知道自己是boy or girl。画一幅字母的想象画,形象地展示字母。课后记: 第三课时

教学内容与目标: Let’s talk 主要学习句型“Where are you from? I’m from ?./ This is my friend, ?(名字)”它是A部分内容的延伸。Let’s practice 巩固、操练对话的句型,鼓励学生在真实情景中会话。教学重点、难点:

对话Where are you from? I’m from ?.在真实情景中的应用。教学准备:



(2)复习字母、歌谣。并玩游戏——看谁敲得快。2.新课展示(Presentation)(1)T:This is my friend, : Nice to meet : Nice to meet you, : I’m from are you from?(语速放慢,并重复几遍)A: I’m from America.老师再用同样的方法介绍Mike.(2)老师教读新句子,并让学生全班读,小组读多种方法练习(3)让学生听录音,看插图,跟读对话。3.趣味操练(Practice)(1)游戏“抽签”

学生在老师手中抽取一张卡片,其余生问: Where are you from?该生回答I’m from ?.(2)请生用带来的照片介绍他的朋友。(3)自由组合表演对话。4.拓展巩固Production 活动手册上P4的内容。为花朵涂色进行自我评价。

5、检测提高Progress(1)听录音,仿读对话。(2)和同伴表演对话 课后记:

第四课时 教学内容与目标: 1.Let’s learn 本部分主要学习teacher, student,要求学生能够听、说、认读,并且能够听懂、会说“Come in.”, “I’m sorry.”和“It’s OK.”三个短语和句子。’s sing 通过歌曲巩固本课单词。教学重点、难点: 单词的记忆与应用。短语的应用。教学准备:



教师通过复习《新路径英语》小诗,引出I’m in.帮助学生说出I’m sorry.老师回答It’s OK.让学生在情景中理解句子的含义。

指自己,说teacher,再指向多名学生,引出student.让学生理解并记忆。帮助他们完成句子进行自我介绍I’m ?.I’m a teacher/ ’m from ?.鼓励能干的学生介绍他父母及父母的职业。3.趣味操练(Practice)

游戏逐步出示某个人物的图片,让学生猜猜what’s he?游戏前可补充一些职业。学习歌曲,巩固单词。并且请学生自己编上动作。分男女生进行对唱。4.拓展巩固Production 内容:做活动手册第5页内容。目标:检查学生掌握生词情况。5.检测提高Progress 听本课的录音,将歌曲表演给家长看。反思:

第五课时 教学内容与目标: 1.Let’s say 学习字母Dd, Ee,以及以这些字母开头的单词。2.Let’s do 本部分通过说说动动,熟悉并掌握5个字母。Culture 教师介绍Women’s Day,也可补充其他几个节日。Let’s check 通过歌曲检查学生对本课的熟悉和掌握程度。教学重点、难点:





(1)教师用肢体语言表示出字母,让学生猜出字母,并大声读出。(2)出示字母卡,学生认读,并提问学生回忆以它开头的单词。(3)放A部分Let’s chant的录音,学生有节奏地跟唱歌谣。2.新课展示(Presentation)

(1)出示字母卡学习Dd,再单独呈现大写或小写,反复教读。用同样方法教读Ee。(2)出示以这两个字母为首字母的单词图片,注意egg是an egg。(3)放Let’s say部分的录音,学生跟读。3.趣味操练(Practice)(1)游戏:找朋友(2)游戏:看谁站得快



介绍文化,妇女节。教育学生体会母亲的辛劳,帮母亲做力所能及的家务事。做书上Let’s check检查学习情况。4拓展巩固Production 做活动手册上相应的练习。

5、检测提高Progress 读字母给家长听。将chant说给家长听。反思: 第六课时

教学内容与目标: Story time(1)本故事表现的是Zip, Zoom斗智的故事。(2)要求学生理解故事大意,能听懂,教学重点、难点:

让学生理解I want to be a teacher./ Can you read this?/ Sure./ Oh, no!这几个难句。教学准备: 教师准备头饰。教学过程: time部分




英语第三单元教案 篇9



教学内容:Unit 2第二课时


1.能够熟练运用It’s time for sth….和It’s time to do sth… 的句型。









Step I: 准备




1)全班学生以小组为单位,教师快速出示单词卡片:breakfast,lunch,dinner,English class,P.E class,music class.让学生齐读,然后藏其中一张,问学生缺少哪一张?最先说出答案的为胜方。


Step II: 新授


1)老师指着黑板上的单词,要求学生先读两遍,先复习咋样问时间和咋样答时间;后用It’s time for ….和It’s time to … 的句型举例展示给学生。

2)分组让每组用It’s time for ….和It’s time to … 的句型互换练习表述,老师指导。


4)活动:听指令,说内容,做动作。(复习16页的Let’s do)


1)复习整点时间表达方法,接着教师出示钟表,拨动指针整点或非整点,问:What time is it? 要求学生能够正确回答。(7:009:101:3012:00)

2)由十二点引出school is over句型,教师板书并教读几遍,并解释over的用法。

3)把时间拨到11点,提问并让学生说出 Class is over.4)教师补充:Class is over,so let’s go to the playgroud.讲解let使役动词的用法,一般用作祈使句,表示建议,命令,让某人做什么事情,后面要用动词原形。举例练习:Let’s go.Let’s go home.Let’s play computer.Let’s run!






Step III: 总结与练习


Step IV: 布置作业

英语第三单元教案 篇10

六年级下册第三单元 课题 Last weekend Part A let’s learn(第一课时)课型 词汇教学

教学目标 1.能听说读写短语:watched TV, washed clothes, cleaned the room, played football and visited grandparents。2.能够听懂问句: What did you do last weekend ? 并能做出正确的回答。3.能够运用新学内容完成Make a survey的任务。

4.教育学生熟悉身边的人所做的事情,并能做到经常关心别人。教学重难点 1.重点:

(1)能听说读写短语:watched TV,washed clothes,cleaned the room,played football and visited grandparents。(2)听懂会说句子:What did you do last weekend ? 并能在实际情景中灵活用。2.难点:5个加e d词组的读音和书写,掌握动词过去式和发音。教具

准备 1.教师准备本课时所需的六张词卡。2.教师准备录音机和录音带。3.教师准备调查表。对本主备稿的评价

教 学 过 程 二次备课

(一)、Warm up1、Let’s chant

Every weekend I climb mountains, what do you do ? Every weekend I clean the room, what do you do ? Every weekend I read books, what do you do ? Every weekend I go shopping, what do you do ? 然后,问What do you do on the weekend ? 复习与周末活动相关的动词短语。

2、Let’s start

T: What do you usually do on the weekend? 帮助学生回忆学过的动词短语,并引导学生回答,如:I usually play football.(设计意图:通过简短交流,让学生回忆周末所做的活动,既复习了以前的单词,又为学习这些单词的过去式做了铺垫。)


1.猜周末活动呈现:last weekend washed the clothes

教师出示日历 T: What’s the date today?请学生回答It’s ….然后教师将日历翻到上周日:What was that day?然后帮助学生回答It was last Sunday.It was the last weekend.学习last weekend。

T: Now I know what you do on the weekend.Guess what I usually do on the weekend?学生猜出后,T:I usually clean the room on the weekend.Last weekend I cleaned the room too.板书clean the room 和cleaned the room.(设计意图:由clean the room 到cleaned the room 符合认知规律,让学生自己从几个词组中找出发音规律,这样更容易记忆。)2.同样方法呈现:watch TV watched TV wash the clothes washed the clothes play football played football visit grandparents visited grandparents然后让学生找规律,学生找出规律后,教师用不同颜色的粉笔标上过去式的后缀-ed示范其发音,让学生试着找出发音规律。






T: What did you do last weekend ?

S1:I watched TV.How about you.S2?

S2:I played football.How about you.S3?




1.Let’s find out

T: What did Zoom do last weekend?

学生回答He watched TV.教师补充Yes, he watched TV with his mother.They watched the news.What else did he do? 引导学生说,He watered his flowers.He did his homework,too.2.Do a survey Name What did you do last weekend?







教学设计 Last weekend What did you do last weekend? Wash –washed clothes Clean –cleaned room Watch –watched TV Play –played football Visit –visited grandparents 教学札记:

费县小学英语集体备课教案 2011年2月

六年级下册第三单元 课题 Last weekend Part A Let’s talk(第二课时)课型 对话教学

教学目标 1.能够听、说、读、写句型:What did you do last weekend? I played football.2.能够完成Let’s try部分的练习。

3.能够正确运用重点句型进行对话,完成Let’s find out部分的游戏。教学重难点

1.重点是句型:What did you do last weekend? I played football.2.难点是该句型的问句部分,以及认读语音部分的三个双元音音标。教具




教 学 过 程 二次备课

(一)、Preparation1、快举快读游戏,复习动词的原形和过去式,如watch TV watched TV wash the clothes washed the clothes



3、Chant: Last weekend I played football.What did you do?

Last weekend I watched TV.What did you do?


1.Let’s try

T: What did Chen Jie do last weekend? Listen and circle.2.T:Now we know what Chen Jie did last weekend.What did you do last weekend? 请学生回答 I played football./…..教师板书并示范朗读句型What did you do last weekend? I played football.学生跟读,口拼句型。

(设计意图:利用听力活动进一步熟悉本单元新词,并引入新句型What did you do last weekend?降低了难度,让学生更容易接受。)3.接龙问答游戏操练主句型。如:

S1: What did you do last weekend?

S2:I watched TV.What did you do last weekend?

S3: I played football.What did you do last weekend?/How about you?


4.在接龙游戏尾声老师打断学生的回答,接下去问Let’s me guess.Did you play football last weekend?引导学生回答,Yes ,I did./ No,I didn’t



1.听录音Let’s talk, 学生逐句跟读。(设计意图:让学生跟着录音机读,以便纠正学生发音。)2.组中两人分角色操练对话。


4.Q: What did Wu Yifan do last weekend? What did John do last weekend?





(1)did you last what weekend do(?)

(2)cleaned room I the(.)

2.Let’s find out

(1)、Make a survey

教师先教学单词yesterday,然后学生利用课本的调查表询问同学昨天的活动,操练句型:What did you do yesterday? I …….(2)、Have a report

请几名学生汇报调查结果,最后让学生把调查结果写成书面文字。如:Zhang Peng listened to music… I watched TV yesterday.(五)、Progress 1.把Let’s talk 部分读给家长或同伴听。2.完成相关配套练习 板书设计 What did you do last weekend? I played football.help

费县小学英语集体备课教案 2011年2月

六年级下册第三单元 课题 Unit3 A Let’s read 第三课时 课型 阅读课



教 学 目

1、能听、说、认读Let’s read部分的内容,并完成相应活动。并能模仿短文描述自己或他人的周末生活。

2、读懂story time中的故事。教 学 重 难


2、本课难点是is的过去式形式was的用法。教具 准备




教 学 过 程 二次备课(一)preparation: Ask and answer:

1、T:Wang Qiang:What did you do yesterday? S:I watched TV and did homework.T ask the other Ss:What did Wang Qiang do yesterday? S:He watched TV and did homework..(在这里告诉学生回答他人的活动,只需要改变人称就可以了。其他地方跟回答第二人称时没有变化)


2、T: Li Tao:What did you do last weekend? S: I washed the clothes、cleaned the room、read books and did homework.T:What did Li Tao do last weekend? S:He washed the clothes、cleaned the room、read books and did homework.T: Li Tao was busy last weekend.(板书)明确地向学生解释is的过去式形式was的用法。


1、再询问两个学生,达到巩固…was busy last weekend.这句话的目的。


T: What did you do last Saturday morning/ last Sunday evening…?

SA: I(did)…last Saturday morning/ last Sunday evening…。生边答,师边板书。设计意图:让学生进一步明确Saturday morning、Sunday evening…等时间副词的用法。


1、(1)Do you want to know what Wu Yifan did last weekend?展示小黑板Let’s read the passage and tick or cross:

Wu Yifan was busy last weekend.()Last Sunday was Wu Yifan’s grandma’s birthday.()设计意图:让学生带着简单的问题首次阅读短文,增加学生再次阅读的兴趣。(2)、读后找生校正答案。

2、(1)Read again and finish the sentences of the book.(2)Point student answer the questions and check.3、(1)Please read the passage again and finish the form:再次展示小黑板并拿出下发的调查表

Wu Yifan’s weekend Saturday morning Saturday evening Sunday morning Sunday afternoon

(2)看着调查表回答What did Wu Yifan do last weekend?完成课本上的第二个问题。设计意图:层层递进,帮助学生正确回答问题。

4、Do you have any questions?If you have,pleas ask.设计意图:为发展学生个性,提倡大胆质疑,满足不同学生的学习需求。

5、(1)Listen to the tape and read after it.(2)Read in groups

(四)Post-reading What did you do last weekend?Please write a passage about your weekend.I was busy last weekend.I Saturday morning.I Saturday afternoon.In the evening.Sunday morning.Sunday afternoon.(五)Progress 1.Summary:今天我们学习了如何描述自己的周末活动,及如何询问别人的周末活动。希望同学们能把所学知识运用到生活中去。2.Homework Read the story time and answer ―What did Zoom do last weekend? 板书设计: Unit3 A Let’s read …was busy last weekend.What did you do last weekend? I watched TV….教学札记:

费县小学英语集体备课教案 2011年2月

六年级下册第三单元 课题 Unit 3 Last weekend Part B Let’s learn 课型 词汇教学

教学目标 1.能够听、说、读、写短语:went to a park, went swimming, read a book, went fishing, went hiking。

2.能够听、说、认读句子:What did you/(name)do last weekend/ yesterday? I(name)(did)last weekend/ yesterday.Did you….? Yes, I did..教学重难点 1.重点是掌握四会词组



准备 1.教师准备本课时所需的五张词卡及A部分所学单词。


教 学 过 程 二次备课 1.Warm-up 1)Free-talk: T: What day is today? A: Today is…

T: What day was yesterday?(强调 yesterday)B: Yesterday/ It was… T: What did you do yesterday? C: I(did)…yesterday.(用前几课时已经学的词组)2)Chain-drill: C: I(did)…yesterday.What did you do yesterday? D: I(did)…yesterday.What did you do yesterday? E, F…(ask the teacher)T: I went to a park yesterday.2.Presentation

(1)继续Chain-drill,由教师引出并出示新授词组:went hiking.(2)学生已经了解了go的过去式后, 教师边用I went(这个动词用动作表示)yesterday.表达自己昨天去做什么了,边做动作.让学生帮老师说出: went swimming, went fishing.(3)同样的方式,教师引出新授词组 read a book。教师教授read 的过去式发音,并让学生了解不规则动词的过去式。.3.Practice(1)听录音,跟读,教师领读,学生小组内互读短语


Park,park,went to a park,I went to a park yesterday.Swimming, swimming,went swimming.I went swimming yesterday.Book,book,read a book,I read a book yesterday.Fishing,fishing,went fishing, I went fishing yesterday.Hiking, hiking,went hiking, I went hiking yesterday.(通过轻松自在的哼唱,让学生掌握所学的单词以及短语,通过这种方式可以激发学生的学习兴趣)duction 1)Pair work A: What did you do last weekend? / Did you …? B: I(did)…/ Yes, I did.2)在问答过程中完成书中所示的表格.3)邀请几组同学到前面汇报调查结果。gress(1)完成活动手册相应内容。


went to a park—go to a park went hiking—go hiking went swimming—go swimming went fishing—go fishing read a book--read a book

费县小学英语集体备课教案 2011年2月

六年级下册第3单元 课题 Unit 3 Part B Let’s talk 课型 对话课

教学目标 1.能够听、说、读、写句型:Did you read books? Yes, I did.No, I didn’t.2.能够完成Let’s find out 部分的活动。3.能够完成Let’s try部分的听力练习。

4.能够理解并会吟唱本单元第一页Let’s chant部分的歌谣。教 学 重 难

点 1.重点是学生听、说、读、写句型:Did you read books? Yes, I did.No, I didn’t.2.难点是学生能够正确使用动词的原形和过去式形式。教具

准备 1.教师准备单词卡片。2.教师准备录音机、磁带。对本主备稿的评价

教 学 过 程 二次备课 Step 1 Preparation(1)Free talk: T: What day is it today ? Ss: …

T: What’s the weather like today ? Ss: … T: What did you do last weekend/yesterday? S1: I…last weekend.How about you? S2: I…last weekend.How about you?(2)教师出示单词卡片,让全班学生分两组一起进行动词原形与过去式的快速变换问答。SA: watch TV SB: watched TV SA: go to a park SB: went to a park SA: go swimming SB: went swimming SA: read a book SB: read a book SA: go fishing SB: went fishing SA: go hiking SB: went hiking 设计意图:通过教师和学生的交流,复习所学过的动词过去式和句型,为新课学习做好铺垫。Step 2 Presentation

1.Boys and girls.Listen to me carefully and answer my questions, T:(出示钓鱼的卡片)I went fishing yesterday.Did you go fishing ? 找学生试着回答:Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.(教师再出示读书的卡片)Ask: Did you read books ?学生回答:Yes, I did.No, I didn’t.将引出的四会句子及答语板书,学生口拼句子。然后将句子Did you read books?中的read 划出。T: Pay attention to this word,/ri:d/ or /red/?解释:一般过去时态的一般疑问句用Did 提问,后面的动词用原形。然后将全班学生分成两部分练习Did you…? Yes, I did.No, I didn’t.2.Let’s chant

教师问:Boys and girls, Did you go to a park yesterday? 引导学生根据实际情况回答。教师继续说:I went to a park yesterday.I saw beautiful flowers.‖教师板书saw和see.带读。然后说I saw the full moon, too.It was pretty.Let’s watch TV.Let’s chant together.Did you go to the park? Yes, I went to the park.Did you go at night? Yes, I went at night.Did you see the full moon? Yes, I saw the full moon.Did you go last night? No, I went in June.3.Play a guessing game T: Ask: What did I do yesterday ? Guess!S: Did you…? T: Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.T: What did …do yesterday ? S: Did you …? S1;Yes,I did./No, I didn’t.4.让学生用学过的动词,四人一组练习Did you…? Yes, I did./No, I didn’t这一句型。找几组学生对话。5.Let’s try

T: What did John do yesterday? Did he go swimming ? Did he go fishing ? Let’s listen to the tape.Listen and circle.学生听录音。然后教师核对答案。6.Let’s talk

Ask:What did Mike do yesterday? Guess.教师放录音,让学生带着问题听录音。然后找学生回答问题。让学生听录音并跟读。


设计意图:通过Let’s chant和游戏等形式,调动了学生的积极性,同时也培养了学生的小组合作能力和竞争意识。Step 3 Practice 1. 让学生分角色朗读对话。2. 让学生表演对话。

3. 把对话中的人物换成其他三幅图中的人物,让学生编出自己的新对话。

设计意图:让学生由集体到个别的形式,对所学对话进行机械操练和有意义操练,也为下一步的拓展做好充分的准备。Step 4 Production 1.Let’s find out(1)师生示范 T: Did you go swimming/…on the weekend?学生根据实际情况回答Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t,并在表格中划V或X。然后学生再向教师提问。(2)同桌互相调查。2.Make a survey 让学生当小记者,四人一组调查上周末活动,然后找学生在班上展示。


Step 5 Progress 1.让学生拿出练习本,书写四会句子。2.听录音,完成配套内容。(P21)Homework: 1.跟读32页对话5遍,会背。2.把32页四会句子会默写。

板书设计: Unit 3 Part B Let’s talk

see---saw Did you read books? Yes, I did./No, I didn’t 教学札记:

费县小学英语集体备课教案 2011年2月

六年级下册第3单元 课题 Unit3 Part B Let’s read 课型 阅读课

教学目标 1. 能够听、说、认读Let’s read 部分的短文并完成文后的练习。2. 能够完成Task time中的任务。

教学重难点.重点是能理解并会朗读Let’s read部分的短文。

难点是认读一些新语言,如:We read funny tongue twisters together.Suddenly my kite flew into the lake.I was very grateful to him.教具

准备 1.教师准备一只风筝。


教 学 过 程 二次备课 Step 1 Preparation(准备活动)

(1)Let’s chant.(让学生齐唱3单元Let’s chant部分的歌谣)

设计意图:用Let’s chant既复习了所学的动词过去式,又激发了学生的学习兴趣。(2)Review the words in Part B.(教师出示词卡,让学生齐读并拼写B课所学的短语)(3)Free talk T: What did you do last weekend? S1: I went shopping.T: Did you read books/…? S1: Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.T: Did you…?

S2:Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.… Step 2 Pre-reading(阅读前活动)

1)Teach: Tongue twister 和We read funny tongue twisters together.(教师出示几个绕口令;也可以放五年级上、下册语音部分一段绕口令的录音,让学生跟录音朗读。)教师说:Let’s read some Tongue twisters together。

引出Tongue twister,然后板书,领读并且让学生由集体到个别轮流读单词。接着教师提问:―What did we do?‖ 帮助学生回答: ― We read funny tongue twisters together.‖教师边板书边领读,并让学生由集体到部分再到个别轮流读此句。注意再次强调这里的read是过去式形式。

2)Teach : Suddenly my kite flew into the lake.(教师拿出风筝,一边做放风筝的动作一边问:)―What am I doing?‖学生回答:― You are flying kites.‖ 教师继续说:―Yes, and I like flying kites very much.Guess what I did last weekend.‖ 学生猜到是―fly kites‖ 时,教师引导学生回答: I flew kites last weekend.板书―flew‖ 并领读。强调 flew是 fly的过去式。教师继续说:―I flew kites last weekend.Something happened.What was that? Guess.‖ 教师引导学生回答:―

Suddenly my kite flew into the lake.教师边板书边领读,并让学生由集体到部分再到个别轮流读此句。并强调 flew into这一短语。3)Teach: I was very grateful to him.教师接着说:―At that time, A dog saw the kite.Something happened.What did the dog do ? Guess.‖ 教师引导学生回答:―He jumped into the lake and swam to it.Five minutes later, he returned the kite to me.最后引导学生回答I was very grateful to him.教师边板书边领读,并让学生由集体到部分再到个别轮流读此句。并强调 be grateful to这一短语。

设计意图:在阅读前,创设一系列情景突破文中的难点句子:We read funny tongue twisters together.Suddenly my kite flew into the lake.I was very grateful to him.为下面的阅读扫除了障碍.Step 3 In-reading(阅读中活动)(1)General reading 略读

T: Today Zhang Peng walked to Mike’s home, What did they do? Where did Zhang Peng go? Do you want to know? Now open your books and turn to page 33.Read the passage quickly and silently, then answer my questions: 1.Did they read tongue twisters together? 2.Did Mike fly kites?

3.Did the dog jump into the river? Check up the answers.(2)Detailed reading 细读

T:This time read the passage carefully and answer my questions.If you have something difficult, you can circle them.You can talk about in your groups.1.What did they do together? 2.Where did Zhang Peng go?

3.Who returned the kite to Zhang Peng? Check up the answers.T: Do you have any questions? Ss: Yes/No.(这时如果个别学生提出了阅读中的疑难问题,先找其他学生帮助解决,学生解决不了的,教师再点拨,例如:study过去式studied, walk过去式walked, see 过去式saw, return 过去式returned最后归纳总结过去式的变化规则。)(3)Read and write 读写

T: This time let’s read the passage aloud and answer the questions on your books,Then write the answers on your books.Check up the answers.(4)Listen to the tape 听音并跟读 Listen to the tape.Listen and repeat.Read the passage after teacher.Read the passage after the little teachers.(5)Read aloud 朗读

Read and try to retell the passage in groups.设计意图: 让学生带着问题去读文章,并且让学生找出难点和疑点,与老师进行探讨,这样能诱发学生自主尝试的动机,培养其自主学习的能力。

Step 4 Post—reading(阅读后活动)Retell the dialogue.设计意图:通过听、说、读、写,对所学语言进行重组和创造,以促进语言活动中多维能力的发展。Step 5 Progress(发展提高)(1)Summary(归纳总结本课出现的动词过去式)(2)Do activity books.Check up the answers.Homework :Write a passage《My Last Weekend》 板书设计

Unit 3 Part B Let’s read

Tongue twister We read funny tongue twisters together.flew

saw Suddenly my kite flew into the lake.I was very grateful to him.jumped returned studied

英语第三单元教案 篇11



Background of English teaching in primary school: It is not a long history that English is as a subject in primary school in our country and the main instructional aims of teaching English in primary school is to cultivate pupils? basic abilities of their listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language. Our boys and girls are exposed to English for the first time, so it is very important to develop their keen interest in English.

一. Contents:

Today I?m going to talk about Part A of Unit 5, PEP Primary English, Book 1. This lesson includes two parts: Let?s talk and let?s learn. In section 1, and uses the situations we meet everyday to bring out the new words and dialogues, which are required to be mastered according to the ?New English Curriculum Standard?. Unit Five A Let?s Learn and Let?s Talk begins with the theme of the unit “Let?s Eat”. The students need to master several names of food and know how to make dialogues in the restaurant.


二. Teaching aims

1. Aims on the knowledge

(1) To enable the Ss to understand and speak: What do you like? I

like…Here you are. Thank you.Hamburger ,hot dog, French fries, cake, chicken ,bread. Make sure that Ss can use these sentences and words in real situations.

(2) Let Ss to finish Let?s make.

2. Aims on the abilities

(1) To develop Ss? abilities of listening and speaking.

(2) To train the Ss? ability of working in groups.

(3) To foster Ss? abilities of communication and their innovation.

3. Aims on the emotion

(1)To foster Ss? consciousness of good co-operation and proper competition.

(2) To lead Ss to show their loveliness to the poor.

三. Key-points of this lesson

(1) Four skill words and three skill sentences.

(2) To enable Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.

(3) To develop Ss? interest in English.

四. Difficult points: new knowledge used in daily communication.

五. Teaching methods

As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in primary school is to cultivate pupils? basic abilities of listening and

speaking and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I?ll mainly use “Task-based” teaching method. That is to say, I will let the Ss learn in real situations, finish a task by making a survey to help the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue. I will arrange four kinds of activities: singing, guessing game, finishing a survey and having a competition. And in this lesson, pictures, will be needed. Students should prepare some school things.

六. Teaching procedures and purposes of my designing.

I?ll finish this lesson in five steps. Step 1. Warm-up and preview

a). Sing the song together: Old MacDonald.

b)Let’s do. Teacher say order and student do the action

Purpose: Make the students feel comfortable through singing and talking, and get ready for the new class. Step 2. Presentation

Now I?ll mainly talk about this step. 1. Present the pattern:

a) Set a situation in the Old MacDonald.

T:Before other day, our uncle MacDonald have open a new restaurant“Old MacDonald”and invite us to

there.Now,Let’s go and have a look.OK?

b) Use pictures to introduce the words.

c) Learn to say the words with the help of pictures.

e)Ask a student “What do you like?”student answer “I like...”teacher gives the food picture to student and say “Here you are.”Guide the student to say “Thank you.”Then read the Let’s talk and role play in group.

Purpose: Use the visual aids to give the students a strong impression , help them to cultivate the way of thinking in English and understand.

2. Play a game. what’s missing.(Students remember these words order during 10s-20s, then students close their eyes and teacher takes one picture from these pictures. And students answer what’s missing.) Cultivate the students’ listening and saying ability, and make more chances for them to open their mouths.

Step 3. Practice

Play a pictures and word cards’game. Teacher put these pictures

on the blackboard, one student give order “I like chicken.”and the others put the word card on suitable place. Through this activity, the students would be very happy and it would really become easy for them to learn, and make them to be more interested in learning English.

Step 4. Assessment

a)Group-work. An interview :

b) Volunteers to present the result

Purpose: make them easy to say and learn, and improve their ability to use English in the real life.

七.Lay out:purose: Words and sentences in this position is more clear, and more highlight the difficulties and key points.

英语第三单元教案 篇12



1)学习掌握下列词汇:copy, return

2)进行一步复习巩固学习Section A部分所学的生词和词组。







1)复习巩固Section A部分所学的生词和词组,达到熟练运用的目标。



1) 总结询问问题和提出建议的句型,掌握规则。



Step 1 Warming- up and revision

1. Have a dictation of the new words learned in the last class.

make sth. clear (同义词) ___________

talk (同义词) _______________

not allow (同义词) ______________

worried (同义词) ______________

get along with (同义词) ____________

communicate (名词)_____________

old (比较级) _______________

2. Check the homework.

3. Let some Ss read the article in 3a. Then finish the short passage about Sad and Thirteen. (见课件)

1. Sad and Thirteen has some _________. He can’t __________his family. His parents _____ a lot. It’s the only _____________ they have. When they _____, it’s like a big black cloud ____________their home. He doesn’t like it.

His brother always watches whatever he wants until midnight. He _______ to let him watch his favorite TV show. So He always feels ______ and ________ at home.

2. Robert Hunt thinks Sad and Thirteen should _________ these feelings to his family. He should ____ to help. Maybe he _________ _____ jobs around the house so that they have more time _______________________. Second, he could sit down and ____________ ____ his brother. He could ________ that he _________ him watching TV all the time, however, he should let him watch his _____________.


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      下面是范文网小编收集的精选幼儿园英语交通工具教案优秀范文 幼儿英语交通工具教案全英,欢迎参阅。   下面是小编为大家整理的关于《幼儿园英语小游戏:交通工具》,供大家学习参考!   精选幼儿园英语交通工具教案优秀范文一   教学缪迪   1、引导幼儿在游戏中复习单词: bus car ...

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