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2024-09-29 14:35:00

【#作文# #国庆节作文英语带翻译50字(通用七篇)#】作文是我们在日常学习、工作、生活中常见的写作形式,通过作文可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。写起作文来就毫无头绪?以下是好工具范文网小编帮大家整理的国庆节英语作文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。

国庆节作文英语带翻译50字 篇1

This years National Day is really crisp in autumn, and the sky is high and the clouds are light. We didnt go to the noisy scenic spots, but went to the Chaohu Avenue, which leads to Sanhe Fang Xiangxin.

When I arrived at the lake, I could see the lake clearly, and the lake was choppy, which made me feel relaxed and happy. Opposite Chaohu Lake is a piece of paddy fields. The golden paddy fields are all ripe and seem to nod and smile at us. There are many persimmon trees beside the rice fields. The trees are covered with red fruits, just like red lanterns. They are very beautiful!

I hope that the road around Chaohu Lake will be completed soon, and everyone can feel the beautiful scenery there.




国庆节作文英语带翻译50字 篇2

In the beautiful holiday of national day, our family took part in Grandpas 70th birthday.

In the morning, we hurried to my grandfathers place to make Ma Yuan. When we arrived, there were already several uncles and aunts cooking glutinous rice there. After cooking, my mother put the rice into a big basin and served it. My uncle made the glutinous rice into circles. My brother poured sesame seeds and sugar together and stirred them. Then he put the glutinous rice into it. Then the glutinous rice was wrapped in a black-and-white coat. It was very beautiful. After that, we also called grandpa to eat longevity noodles. He is very happy!

In a twinkling of an eye, at noon, everyone went to the restaurant for dinner, where there was a lot of fun and laughter. After dinner, when we had half eaten, my brother asked our children to toast. When we got to the box and saw Grandpa, we said to her, "I wish grandpa happiness and longevity." After dinner, everyone went to play.

One afternoon passed quickly and it was evening. Everyone went to my uncles house for dinner. Aunts are scrambling to cook, and the kitchen is very busy. After a while, a plate of steaming dishes came out, and everyone ate with relish. After dinner, the birthday cake came out, opened the lid, and there was an old birthday star in it. My aunt gave the old birthday star to my grandfather, and wished him a long life.

Although I didnt visit mountains and rivers on this national day, I tasted the delicacies of mountains and seafood in my little grandfathers house and enjoyed the happiness of getting together with my relatives. I was very happy.

国庆节作文英语带翻译50字 篇3





National Day has arrived, and breakfast has become a problem. I have decided to learn from my father and cook breakfast for my mother. The essential part of breakfast is poached eggs.

So, I took my dads hand and prepared to learn how to fry poached eggs. I tied on my apron and started preparing the materials. I first took out a fresh, large, and round egg from the refrigerator, and then specially selected a plate with a gold border to place next to it. After a while, when the egg is cooked, it can be served inside

The materials are ready, and of course, we need to invite the "Chef Master" - Dad to accompany and guide us. I followed my fathers command, first turning on the gas stove, then adding a little oil to the pan, and then I gently pushed the oil away with a shovel. Unexpectedly, because there was water on the shovel, the oil ignited and suddenly soared high, scaring me to hide next to my dad. My well-established father calmly pushed me and asked me to quickly put down the eggs. I quickly and carefully knocked the eggs on the countertop, then broke open the eggshells and poured them into the pot. Gradually, the edges of the eggs turned golden yellow, and the egg white kept flipping like a wave. Then, I flipped the egg over and continued to fry it.

After two or three minutes, the eggs can finally start cooking. I put the eggs into a carefully prepared plate. Wow! The white protein and yellow egg yolk make people drool after seeing them. I quickly handed the poached eggs to my mother, who praised me for doing well while eating. I was also very satisfied with my skills, and that sense of achievement was like getting a double 100 on the exam. I was really happy!

国庆节作文英语带翻译50字 篇4

National Day is coming,and we can have a seven-day.My family are going to Hainan.

Its a good seaside city.We are staying there for a week.

We are going to the beach and going swimming in the sea.Were visiting Tianya Haijiao,Wanquan River and many other beautiful places.

I think well have a good time there.





国庆节作文英语带翻译50字 篇5

On October 2nd, my father took my cousin and me to the Binhai Park in Nansha to play with sand. After more than an hours drive, we finally arrived at the park, where the scenery is picturesque and the trees are shaded, but there are crowds of people everywhere, the beach is crowded with people, and the sea is turbid. I really want to come back when there are fewer people.

There is also a tourist attraction that imitates an ancient sailboat next to the beach, but my attention is attracted by the beach. If I come back next time, I also want to go aboard to see the difference between ancient and modern ships.



国庆节作文英语带翻译50字 篇6










During the National Day holiday, something particularly impressive happened to me.

On October 3rd, I followed my parents to Hongen Rock to play. As soon as you enter the mountain gate, there are many people and cars, and there is no place to park. So, dad asked us to go first and he went to park the car. I walked into the gate with my mother and younger brother and saw the four Heavenly Kings standing in rows, very majestic. Go inside again, and you will come to the the Shakya ManiHall. After paying homage to the Buddha, you will leave the temple.

We arrived at Guanyin Pond and there was an old lady picking up empty bottles. The bag containing the empty bottles was already more than half full. So, I finished drinking the water in my water, handed it to the old lady, and then sat down on the chair next to me to rest.

After sitting for a while, I saw an uncle. Seeing that the bottle in his hand was empty, he casually threw it away, and the garbage can was next to him. I saw that the old lady who was picking up the empty bottle was still on the side, so I quickly ran over and picked it up and handed it to my grandmother.

After resting, we continued to walk up, and Dad parked his car to catch up. We walked to the bachelors cave and, as we climbed the stairs, a group of people gathered around the famous bachelors statues to take photos. Some parents even carried their children onto the statues, showing no respect for the scholars.

Continuing up, I saw garbage all over the ground, including water bottles, plastic bags, and bread bags, which were unbearable.

At this moment, a child was crying, shouting at her mother, afraid she might have lost her. The child cried very sad, but the people around him only gave him a few cold glances and then ignored him. I took the child to the security room and asked the security guard to take care of him before leaving.

Finally, I suggest that we go home!

As I walked, I pondered. The reason why a tourist destination is called a holy land is, of course, because of its picturesque scenery and beautiful environment. But if the environmental protection is poor and the quality of tourists is low, will it still be a holy land?

国庆节作文英语带翻译50字 篇7





During the National Day holiday, I went to Xianghu Lake in Xiaoshan to admire the colorful music fountain.

Just arrived at the scene, I only heard the broadcast repeatedly reminding everyone to pay attention to safety. Then, the music fountain began, and suddenly, a fan-shaped water screen appeared on the lake, similar to a water screen movie. This water screen started from primitive people to He Zhizhangs "Return to Hometown", and then from King Goujian of Yue to the national culture and spirit of Xiaoshan. After playing, the water screen suddenly disappeared, accompanied by the sound of music, a row of fountains jumped up, the music lowered, and the fountains undulated like a wavy line. When the music reached its climax, a giant dragon appeared in the middle of the fountains, soaring into the clouds, and then two dragon like fountains appeared one after another, standing on both sides of the middle fountain, as if guarding it.

Suddenly, the music stopped, the fountain disappeared, and even the giant dragon turned into a sheet of water vapor and dispersed into the air. Finally, the music rang out again, but not the exciting rock music just now, but the sweet and melodious songs. The fountain swayed with the melody of the music, and the graceful dance was like dancing girls, extremely beautiful! Then, many lasers shot out, spinning around, and people stood up excitedly, creating a chaotic scene. In the broadcast, a crisp childlike voice rang out again, and all the fountains reached their peak. The laser drew five big characters in between, "Eight Thousand Years of Xiaoshan".

Although the music fountain has come to an end, the long history and cultural connotations of Xiaoshan that it tells us deeply remain in my heart.


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