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2023-12-16 09:16:21

【#句子# #英语优美句子摘抄短句收藏#】“rejectv.拒绝,抵制,驳回;丢弃;排斥,退掉。”如今我们接触到的句子越来越富含吸引人之处,优美的句子充满生命力和冲劲让读者倍感亲切和温情。你还知道哪些句子属于优美范畴?为了提供更便捷的服务栏目小编整理了一些实用的英语优美句子摘抄短句,我深信这个计划能够对大家有所帮助!



3、National Day serves as a reminder to all Chinese people to respect and honor their country's flag and national anthem.


5、The National Day holiday is an important economic boost for the tourism and hospitality industries in China.


7、Celebrating National Day is not just about remembering the past, it's also about looking towards the future and striving for progress and development.

8、Celebrating National Day reflects a sense of pride and patriotism for the Chinese people.

9、May the colors of the national flag always remind us of the sacrifices of those who fought for our freedom.

10、Let us use National Day to honor the sacrifices and contributions of our nation's heroes, and to rededicate ourselves to building a more just and equitable society for all.

11、National Day is a time for us to celebrate the achievements of our country and the spirit of our people.

12、Let us remember that our country's prosperity and well-being are intertwined with the health and vitality of our environment.

13、As we observe National Day, let us renew our commitment to democracy, freedom, and justice for all citizens.


15、National Day is a time to reflect on what it means to be a citizen of this great country and to work towards a better future for all.

16、On this special day, let us take pride in our country and our people, and be inspired to build a better and more just future for all.


18、On this special day, let us honor the brave men and women who fought for our freedom and those who continue to defend it.


20、The spirit of unity, togetherness, and national pride that we feel during National Day celebrations is truly inspiring.

21、National Day is a time to celebrate the achievements and successes of our country's economy, industry, and innovation.

22、This National Day, let us celebrate the unity and resilience of our nation in the face of challenges.

23、The National Day parade promotes national security and military preparedness.

24、National Day is a time to come together and celebrate the many contributions and achievements of our country's entrepreneurs and business leaders.

25、Celebrating National Day is a way of acknowledging and honoring our country's past, present, and future.

26、Let us use National Day as a time to remember and honor the unsung heroes of our history, whose sacrifices and contributions have shaped our nation.

27、National Day is a time to pay tribute to our national heroes and remember their bravery and determination.

28、Celebrating National Day highlights the importance of patriotism and loyalty to one's country and people.

29、National Day is an occasion to celebrate the achievements and potential of our youth, who are the hope and promise of our nation.

30、This National Day, let us come together as one people, one nation, to celebrate our past achievements, and to look forward to a brighter and more promising future for all.

31、Let us use National Day as an opportunity to reflect on the many challenges that lie ahead, and to recommit ourselves to building a more just and equitable society.

32、National Day is a time to celebrate the diversity and richness of our nation’s many different cultures and languages.

33、National Day is a time to remember the struggles of our ancestors in the fight for independence and honor their memory.

34、As we celebrate National Day, let us keep in mind the struggles of our past and the challenges of our future.

35、National Day is a time for us to reflect on our country's past and celebrate its present.

36、On this National Day, let us honor the sacrifices of those who have served and continue to serve our country, and pledge to uphold the values that they fought for.

37、This National Day, let us come together to celebrate the diversity and inclusivity of our country, and to honor its rich history, culture, and heritage.

38、National Day is a time to recognize and appreciate the contributions of our cultural and religious minorities, who enrich our country's diversity and cultural mosaic.

39、As we celebrate National Day, let us take pride in our country’s achievements and continue to build a brighter future for all citizens.

40、As we celebrate National Day, let us pay tribute to the achievements of our country’s heroes and honor their legacy.

41、National Day is an important occasion for China to showcase its achievements to the world.

42、The National Day parade is a showcase of China's cultural achievements and artistic prowess.

43、This National Day, let us celebrate the beauty and richness of our country's landscapes, culture, and customs, and honor its diversity and inclusivity.

44、This National Day, let us come together to honor our national heroes and martyrs, and to celebrate our shared values and aspirations as a nation.

45、Let us use National Day as a time to deepen our appreciation for the many unique and diverse cultures and traditions that make our country so vibrant and dynamic.

46、As we celebrate National Day, let us renew our commitment to the ideals of democracy, freedom, and justice, and work towards greater progress and success.

47、This National Day, let us celebrate the strength and resilience of our nation, and rededicate ourselves to building a brighter future for all.

48、The grandeur and majesty of China's many historical landmarks and monuments are on full display during National Day celebrations.

49、It is a privilege to live in such a great country, and we should never take our freedom and prosperity for granted.


51、All the dark are left to the past, from the beginning of meeting you, winter is gone, the stars.



54、National Day is not just a commemoration of our past, but also a celebration of our present and a vision for our future.

55、National Day is an occasion to celebrate the achievements and contributions of our women and girls, who are the backbone of our society.




59、National Day provides a platform for people to showcase and celebrate China's unique cuisine and food culture.

60、I will wait for you until I have no more reason to wait anymore.

61、National Day is a time for us to celebrate our country’s past, present, and future.

62、National Day is a reminder that our country's strength and resilience lies in the unity, diversity, and inclusivity of its people.

63、National Day provides a time to express gratitude and appreciation to parents, teachers, and mentors for their guidance and support.

64、On this special day, let us renew our sense of patriotism and commitment to making our country a better place for all its citizens.


66、National Day is a time to come together as a family and celebrate the many blessings of our country.


68、National Day festivities promote cross-cultural understanding and exchange between China and other nations.


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    (3)1(s)国际秒相当于:1/86,400日(国际天文联合会的时间单位)。在这里好工具范文网的编辑为大家整理了一份涵盖多种时尚潮流的信息。每一分钟都有可能让我们聆听到一些令人着迷的话题,优美的句子是文字的灵魂是文学艺术的精华所在。 这篇文章,让我觉得自己置身于一片平和宁静的境地中。为了不遗漏任何一...

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    “即使前方充满艰难,我们也要始终保持微笑的面容。”生活并不完美但我们要相信美好的事情即将到来,优美的句子蕴含着深刻的哲学思考和人性挖掘十分值得欣赏。 这篇文章让我感到平和,让我的内心感到有一种无来由的平静。在以下内容中好工具范文网的编辑将全面解析“优美句子短句摘抄大全”,每天告诉自己一句鼓励的话因为...

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