【#句子# #英语优美短句摘抄大全(74句)#】让梦想如同星辰一样,照亮前行的道路,点亮内心的希望。精美的言辞不单单传递了思想更唤起了人类的本真,每一个优美的句子都有其独特的魅力和内涵。会让人更好的明白大道理。考虑到你的喜好和要求好工具范文网特地为你推荐了英语优美短句摘抄,这些方法对你来说应该有一些实践效果!
1、Let us work towards a more sustainable and inclusive economic growth for all.
2、National Day is a time to celebrate the triumphs and achievements of our country's athletes, artists, and intellectuals.
3、China's potential for growth and development is limitless, and our National Day holiday celebrates that potential.
4、Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion, theromance, and you find out you still care for that person。
6、National Day is a time to honor the resilience and determination of our people, and to commit ourselves to greater progress and success.
8、Let us seek inspiration from the wisdom and teachings of our ancestors.
9、MOVEON doesn't mean you'll forget all the memories. You'll still remember it, but it doesn't affect you anymore。
10、The National Day is a reminder of the many freedoms and liberties that we enjoy in our great country.
11、National Day is a time for coming together and celebrating our shared identity as a nation.
12、There is only one personwho can define success in your life —— and that's you.
13、National Day is a time to honor the values that make our country great – democracy, freedom, and justice for all.
14、Let us work towards a society that is fair, just, and compassionate.
15、Let's remember the sacrifices and hardships of our ancestors and honor their memory.
16、On this day, let us honor the many sacrifices made by our soldiers and public servants to protect and defend our country.
17、Let us promote the values of cooperation, respect, and compassion.
19、The National Day parade showcases the power and strength of our country's military and its role in our national defense.
20、National Day provides an opportunity for Chinese people to reflect on ways to contribute to the betterment of society.
21、As we celebrate National Day, let us demonstrate our commitment to building a strong, prosperous, and peaceful nation.
22、Let us promote policies and programs that foster public health, education, and personal well-being.
23、This National Day, let us renew our commitment to promoting sustainable development, and to adopting practices that reduce our ecological footprint and impact on the environment.
24、Never give up on something you really want. Remember: it’s difficult towait but more difficult to regret!
25、The National Day is a reminder that our country is a beacon of hope and freedom for people all over the world.
27、Let us embrace our cultural heritage and remember the struggles and triumphs of our past.
29、National Day highlights the importance of preserving and promoting traditional Chinese medicine and healing practices.
30、On this auspicious day, let us honor the many sacrifices made by our soldiers and public servants to protect our country.
31、China's rise to global power is a result of its hardworking and innovative citizens.
32、Let us reflect on the contributions made by our founding fathers to create a vibrant and dynamic nation.
33、The National Day holiday is a time to reflect on our country's achievements and recognize our role in its success.
35、The National Day holiday is a symbol of our country's unity and resilience in the face of challenges and adversity.
36、As we celebrate National Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to building a society of compassion, equality, and justice for all.
39、National Day is a time to reflect on our national achievements and look forward to what we can accomplish in the future.
40、During the National Day holiday, Chinese people from all over the country come together to celebrate and express their love for their nation.
41、Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice,but falling in love with you was beyond my control。
42、On this auspicious day, let us pledge to continue their legacy by building a better future for ourselves and future generations.
43、As we observe National Day, let us pay tribute to the men and women who have served our country with honor and distinction.
45、Let us use National Day to celebrate the many cultural traditions that make our nation unique, and to work towards greater appreciation and tolerance.
46、Today we celebrate the birth of our great nation, united as one people and proud of our heritage.
47、On this special day, let us reaffirm our commitment to the values of justice, integrity, and compassion.
49、Let us honor the importance of family, community, and social bonds for our nation's well-being.
50、No matter how hard lifemay get sometimes, if we stay strong, we will always conquer
51、Let us take pride in our country and our people, and continue to work towards a better tomorrow.
52、Today, we celebrate our country's past, present, and future.
53、On this auspicious day, let us renew our commitment to building a society that is based on fairness, equality, and respect.
54、On this auspicious day, let us renew our commitment to building a better future for all.
56、National Day is a reminder of the importance of our country's history, traditions, and values.
57、Let us cherish and cultivate these qualities in ourselves and in our communities, and work towards creating a more caring and compassionate society.
59、As we celebrate National Day, let us take pride in our country’s achievements and continue to work towards a brighter future for generations to come.
60、National Day is a time to remember our nation’s history and the struggles of our ancestors in the fight for independence.
61、Happy National Day! Let us remember our shared heritage and work towards a brighter and more harmonious future.
62、National Day is not just a celebration of our independence, but a reminder of the hard work and dedication that went into achieving it.
65、As we commemorate our independence, let us reflect on the progress we have made and the challenges ahead.
66、On this special day, let us cherish the beauty and richness of our cultural heritage.
67、The National Day holiday is a time to celebrate and promote traditional Chinese festivals and customs.
68、As we celebrate National Day, let us make a renewed commitment to fostering greater unity and understanding among all citizens.
69、Today we celebrate the birth of our nation and look forward to a prosperous future.
70、Let us commit to protecting and preserving our environment for future generations, and work towards sustainable and responsible use of our resources.
71、National Day is a time to express gratitude for the opportunities and blessings that our country provides us with.
72、On this National Day, let us pledge to carry on their legacy and contribute to the ongoing development and prosperity of our country.
73、Let us embrace our religious and spiritual traditions and respect the diversity of beliefs and practices in our country.
74、Let's honor the sacrifices made by those who came before us and work towards a better future for all.
“而另一方面,幸福不是目的地,而是一段旅程。因为根本就没有天堂,但如果我们勤劳有。”优美的句子是精神情感文学的美妙融合深入人心。 读了之后真是发人深省,深入人心,究竟如何写好优美句子呢?在搜索过程中栏目小编整理了与英语作文优美句子摘抄大全相关的资料,所有句子内容仅供您参考使用!...
“Let me introduce myself 让我自我介绍一下。”一句感恩的话能获得无尽的回馈,听到优美的句子我仿佛身处花丛中闻到芬芳的气息。记忆中你认为最优美句子是怎么样的?就英语优美句子摘抄简短这个话题我们有一点想法想说说,考虑到可能需要日后阅读请您收藏本页上的句子!...
(3)1(s)国际秒相当于:1/86,400日(国际天文联合会的时间单位)。在这里好工具范文网的编辑为大家整理了一份涵盖多种时尚潮流的信息。每一分钟都有可能让我们聆听到一些令人着迷的话题,优美的句子是文字的灵魂是文学艺术的精华所在。 这篇文章,让我觉得自己置身于一片平和宁静的境地中。为了不遗漏任何一...