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2023-12-01 09:28:04

【#句子# #英语优美短句摘抄(精选52句)#】“那一抹夕阳慢慢沉入远山,给人一种温暖而宁静的感觉。”好工具范文网的编辑已经根据您的要求整理出了英语优美短句摘抄的详细介绍。温柔的言辞总是演绎着深邃的智慧和哲学参悟,优美的句子是一种美的享受。非常值得用本子摘抄下来。我们努力确保本页上的句子能给您带来帮助!

1、National Day highlights the importance of preserving and promoting traditional Chinese medicine and healing practices.

2、Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion, theromance, and you find out you still care for that person。

3、Let us use National Day as a time to reflect on our contributions to the nation and strive to do better.


5、National Day is a time to reflect on our national achievements and look forward to what we can accomplish in the future.

6、National Day is a time for celebration, but also for reflection and self-examination.

7、I will always be with you until the end of time if you'dnever leave me。

8、Happiness is a personwith you boring, rare is both of you don't feel boring.


10、National Day is a time to honor the values that make our country great – democracy, freedom, and justice for all.

11、The biggest mistake wehave made in our daily life is to be too polite to strangers but too strict toclose friends.

12、From ancient dynasties to modern innovation, our country's history is unparalleled.

13、National Day is a celebration of our independence, our diversity, and our strength as a nation.

14、National Day serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving China's cultural heritage and traditions.

15、As we celebrate National Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to building a society of compassion, equality, and justice for all.

16、The National Day holiday is a time to celebrate and promote traditional Chinese festivals and customs.

17、As we celebrate National Day, let us remember to be grateful for the freedoms we enjoy as citizens of this great nation.

18、National Day is not just a celebration of our independence, but a reminder of the hard work and dedication that went into achieving it.



21、During the National Day holiday, Chinese people from all over the country come together to celebrate and express their love for their nation.

22、This National Day, let us renew our commitment to promoting sustainable development, and to adopting practices that reduce our ecological footprint and impact on the environment.

23、The rain was killing the last days of summer,you had been killing my last breath of love, since a long time ago.


25、Let us commit to protecting and preserving our environment for future generations, and work towards sustainable and responsible use of our resources.



28、Let us pay tribute to the pioneers and visionaries who helped to build our nation, and to the young people who will shape its future.

29、Let's remember the sacrifices and hardships of our ancestors and honor their memory.

30、Let us work together to overcome obstacles and create a brighter future for ourselves and our fellow citizens.

31、This National Day, let us remember our responsibilities as citizens and work towards building a stronger, more prosperous nation.

32、National Day is a time to remember our nation’s history and the struggles of our ancestors in the fight for independence.

33、Let us embrace our religious and spiritual traditions and respect the diversity of beliefs and practices in our country.


35、Let's use this holiday to reflect on our country's achievements and challenges.


37、On this special day, let us also remember the importance of family and the role that it plays in shaping our lives and our society.

38、The National Day parade is a demonstration of China's military strength and readiness.


40、As we celebrate National Day, let us demonstrate our commitment to building a strong, prosperous, and peaceful nation.

41、National Day is a time to honor the resilience and determination of our people, and to commit ourselves to greater progress and success.

42、Let us use National Day to reflect on the strengths and challenges of our nation, and to work towards greater progress and success.


44、National Day is a time to celebrate the triumphs and achievements of our country's athletes, artists, and intellectuals.

45、As we celebrate National Day, let us make a renewed commitment to fostering greater unity and understanding among all citizens.

46、National Day is a time to celebrate the rich tapestry of cultures and traditions that make our nation great.

47、You know someone means alot to you when their mood can easily affect yours.

48、National Day festivities provide a platform for Chinese people to showcase their creativity and talents.

49、Let us also remember those who are still struggling and facing challenges, and work towards creating a more just and equitable society for all.

50、National Day provides an opportunity for Chinese people to express their gratitude for their country's prosperity and progress.

51、Let us use National Day to remember the lessons of our past, celebrate our present, and build towards a better future for all.



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