


2024-10-27 09:50:32

【#作文# #2024冬至作文英语简单(摘录4篇)#】写作文是将内心的思想和情感表达转化为外部语言形式的过程。在学习、工作、生活中,写作文是一种常见的表达方式,通过文字将自己的想法传递给他人。写作文是一种能力,需要不断练习和提高,才能准确地表达自己的观点和情感。4篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?以下是好工具范文网小编整理的关于冬至的英语作文The Winter Solstice,欢迎阅读与收藏。

2024冬至作文英语简单 篇1

On December 22, 2021, the day is the Winter Solstice, it is an important day in China, it becomes a tradition. More than 2500years ago, Chinese people had detected this day by measuring the sun. What is special on the day? The answer is that the daytime lasts the shortest while the night lasts the longest of the year. It means the new round of the solar term, the Winter Solstice is the earliest.

As an old tradition, people treat that day a grand day, they celebrate it. In the north, most people eat dumplings, while in the south, people have rice dumpling and boiled dumpling. Though people celebrate in a different way, they share the same happiness, family get together and have a big dinner. Winter Solstice gives family a chance to get reunion, the young come home to have a chat with parents and promote their communication.

2024冬至作文英语简单 篇2

People say that "the Winter Solstice is the big New Year". They say that the Winter Solstice is very lively, just like the Spring Festival.

On this day, both children at school and adults at work rush back after school and after work, just to get together with their families.

This winter solstice, the weather is extremely cold. Even the small flowers and grass beside the road have shrunk. The bitter north wind howled like a roaring lion. The north wind knife passed the pedestrians face, and the dead branches creaked feebly, making the final struggle. I wrapped up my overcoat and hurried home. Suddenly, this scene hit my eye.

An old man with pale hair was standing beside the road, looking around as if he was waiting for someone. I was wondering why Grandpa came out to wait in such a cold day. A tall man came over and heard him say to his grandfather, "Dad, why are you here? Dont you and Mom wait at home?"

"Look," Grandpa took out a bag of hot dumplings from his sleeve, "your mother said that when you came back, the dumplings might be cold. Let me take the dumplings and wait for you. Ive always covered them with my hands. Now they are still warm. Eat quickly. They are your favorite fillings." The master smiled happily.

The man took the dumpling and bit it. After a long time, he choked and said, "Dad, lets go home. Its cold outside."

Seeing this scene, I understand a lot. Our parents love us selflessly and meticulously, and they never ask us to return, just like the "winter solstice" hidden in the sleeve.








2024冬至作文英语简单 篇3


Today, my mother took me to Grandpas house to eat dumplings.I asked my mother, "why go to Grandpas house to eat dumplings, not on Sunday? Mother said: "today is the winter solstice, which is a very important solar term in the Chinese lunar calendar and a traditional festival of the Chinese nation. "I asked my mother curiously," then why eat dumplings? "Mom said with a smile," if you dont eat dumplings at the winter solstice, your ears will freeze."


I quickly said: "then hurry to eat it! "My mother couldnt close her mouth and told me that it was just a folk custom and wouldnt freeze her ears.Good dumplings! My stomach is bursting.Did you have dumplings today?

2024冬至作文英语简单 篇4

Today is the winter solstice. As soon as I finish school, I will run home step by step. I saw my mother and aunt picking up dumplings next to the hot pot, and I went to help. After the dumplings were cooked, mother put the cooked dumplings into the pot and fried them. After a while, a plate of crisp and delicious "hollow fried dumplings" was "freshly baked". As soon as I smelled the delicious taste of Tangyuan, I salivated and immediately put one into my mouth. Suddenly, I called "wow". "Whats the matter?" Mother asked hurriedly. I put out my red hot tongue to show my mother. My mother understood and said painfully, "be careful, dont burn any more!

At this time, the hot pot opened. Aunt put meatballs and mutton into the pot. After a while, the mutton was cooked. My aunt helped me take out the mutton, and I immediately ate it with relish. In the blink of an eye, I ate up a bowl of mutton. Mother was afraid that I wouldnt have enough to eat, so she fished me a big bowl of meatballs. Regardless of three, seven and twenty-one, I picked up the bowl and ate it. When my aunt saw my wolfing appearance, she joked, "my greedy cat, eat slowly and be careful of choking." I replied, "the cat has a big throat. The whole big fish can swallow it. How can it choke?" My aunt laughed at my words, and my mother was amused by me.



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