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2024-10-06 09:00:23

【#作文# #2024冬至英语作文(汇集三篇)#】许多人在学习、工作、生活中都有写作文的经验,作文是让我们的内心想法转变为外部语言形式的过程。通过将简洁的思想表达转化为结构化、规范的语言,我们能够与他人更好地沟通和理解。3篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?以下是好工具范文网小编整理的关于冬至的英语作文The Winter Solstice,欢迎阅读与收藏。

2024冬至英语作文 篇1

Winter solstice is a very important solar term in Chinese Lunar calendar.

Being a traditional holiday as well, it is still now celebrated quite often in many regions. Early during the Spring and Autumn period, 2500 odd years from now, Winter solsticewas first determined as the Chinese traditional solar term among the total 24 terms. In Gregorian calendar, it is around Dec 22nd or 23rd.

Midwinter day is the very day in North hemisphere with the shortest day and longest night year-round. After it, daytime will become increasingly longer and the coldest clime will invade all the places on the Northern part of the globe. We Chinese always call it "JinJiu", which means once Winter solstice comes, we will meet the coldest time ahead.

That conclusion is proved well founded. According to scientific results, on Winter solstice, a right angle is formed by the sun and the tropic of carpricorn. Thus, the North hemisphere receives the least sunlight and the shortest day and longest night occur.

Ancient china did pay great attention to this holiday, regarding it as a big event. There was the saying that "Winter solstice holiday is greater than the spring festival". Nowadays, many regions still celebrate it as a big holiday. Northerners may have dumplings and raviolis that day while southerners may have dumplings made by rice and long noodles. Some places even have the tradition to offer sacrifices to the heaven and earth.





2024冬至英语作文 篇2

The winter solstice, the winter solstice as the "holiday" in han dynasty, the rulers to congratulate ceremony known as "He Dong", official holidays, routine officialdom popular each "winter" worship custom. "Were" has such records: "before and after the winter solstice, the gentleman place static body, baiguan, scenes, and then pick an auspicious day Chen save trouble." So on the court and off to rest, to the army on standby, frontier retreat, business travel out of business, family and all distinctions to food, visit each other, a joyous festival "place static body". When in the six dynasties, the winter solstice is called "the age", people to elders to extend holiday greetings to your parents; After the song dynasty, the winter solstice festival gradually become the sacrifice to ancestors and gods.

Tang and song period, the winter solstice is to worship the day of worship ancestors, the emperor held outside the day to worship, the people in this day to the parents or elders worship. Ming and qing dynasties, the emperor have to worship, of "winter solstice jiao days". There has to be given to a emperor, table officials ritual, but also to each other for congratulations, like New Year's day.

Winter festival also called yesterday, hand in winter. It is one of the 24 solar terms, is a traditional festival of China, have "the winter solstice as big as a year". Winter solstice supplements, is China's traditional customs, folksay: fill a lump-sum winter, in the coming year without pain. Summer volts, winter lump-sum. The winter solstice mend, nutrients.

2024冬至英语作文 篇3

Today is the winter solstice. The Winter Solstice is one of the 24 solar terms and a traditional festival. This day is the shortest day and the longest night in the Northern Hemisphere. After this day, the day will become longer and the night will become shorter. In ancient times, people also had celebration ceremonies. Nowadays, people usually eat dumplings and dumplings on the day of the winter solstice. In addition, people in Hangzhou also have the custom of sweeping tombs on the winter solstice. Grandma decided to make delicious dumplings for us, and Mom made pumpkin pie for me.

After my interest class, I smelled a burst of pumpkin pie as soon as I entered the house. I ran to the kitchen and saw my grandma frying pumpkin pie. Pumpkin cake was fried golden yellow by Grandma, and it smells delicious. After a while, my mother gave me a pumpkin pie to eat, and I took a bite. Ah! This is really hot. But its very sweet. Like a hungry tiger, I ate two and a half at a time.

At lunch, Grandma made fried dumplings for us. There were many condiments in them, such as lean meat, razor clams, winter bamboo shoots, bean curd skin, Chinese cabbage, and golden needle mushrooms. These dishes smell delicious. Lets enjoy ourselves today.

I like the winter solstice because I can eat a lot of delicious food.





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