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2023-10-27 08:51:25

【#实用文# #女王电影观后感精华四篇#】随着社会发展和人们生活水平的提高,越来越多的人开始对电影产生浓厚的兴趣。不管是大银幕上的视觉盛宴,还是小荧幕上的剧情挑逗,观看完一部电影后,我们的内心往往会激荡起一种莫名的感触,激发出许许多多的思考和想法。 观后感可以说是电影世界中的一次灵魂碰撞。通过观影,我们可以从作品中发掘到各种各样的想象和创造力,由此引发出对人性、社会问题、人生哲理等方面的深入思考。更重要的是,撰写观后感可以让我们更好地了解电影作者想要传达的理念和情感。 在写作观后感时,我们可以从多个角度入手。首先,我们可以从故事情节出发,讲述电影中的主要情节线索、人物命运发展等。其次,我们还可以从情感角度展开,分享自己观影时的心理感受、情绪变化等。此外,我们还可以从主题思想、视觉效果、音乐配乐等方面进行分析,探究电影所要传递的深层意义。 总之,在撰写观后感时,我们可以根据自己的感受和理解,选择适合的角度进行写作。无论是从情节、情感还是意义等方面入手,我们都可以通过自己独特的思考和表达,为电影作品增添一份独特的光彩。 希望你能够喜欢并分享这篇关于"女王电影观后感"的观后感,愿我们的文字交流能够激发更多的思考和共鸣。

女王电影观后感 篇1




女王电影观后感 篇2

写了我整整一天,终于在这个时候搞定了。我把它发出来,希望对大家有点用。电影名“穿PARADA的女王” 必看!!!好看!!非常棒!

When i first watch this movie,i find one great problem which is the real name to this movie.I get two name for movie .One is The devil wear the PARADA,the other name is the queen wear the PARADA.these names have so many same place,but they have only one place diffierent whether is devil or queen.In my sight ,this perspective out a problem which relate to the values.Some people think the person who like Miranda Priestly version of a workaholic is the devil which can't be understand by normal citizen who have not ambitions and ideal.Those people don't have to work enthsiasm.In these eyes,enjoy life is the kingly way.No more easliy than the freedom of anythingof value.Maybe this is the true meaning of American.But by my side,i think this situation is not only in America but in whole world!NOTHING SEEK WITHOUT MOTIVE!

In this movie,we can see a good deal of famius brand,likeCalvin klein ,baburry,parada,etc.these name relate luxury which the more and more close to our people.You can easy find that so many students who are 17 to 23 start have some luxury like perfume,scarf,bag,wrist watch,ect.With the time going,we begin to take photo before we eatting,shoping,playing.SO luxury become the most keep a watchful eye on it.This movie tell that whatever man or woman all like fashion.But when we face this attract thing,whether we can hold up our dream,our ambtion.This is a question about our life.Luxury ,of course,is wonderful thing.the one who has it all meaning have a Happiness and a sense of achievement.Whereas,if we can have lots of luxury by losing our love ,our friendship,our dream,our other thing.We must stop our step to think that Whether the world begins to be money to cover? If the world is beginning to be fashion express nose?Perhaps dazzle rich became a kind of fashion, and became a kind of simple behind, the two are not moral conflict and become their own evaluation is worthwhile replacement.This is the thinking of human nature, and the society to deep thinking.

This is the thinking of human nature, and the society to the contemplation of the “wear the Parada queen” in noble fashion decoration, removed or small woman go home later happiness, romantic trip to France, elegant romance, and the extremely successful woman behind the counsel and poignant, these sets and plot, may let the girl of this piece is unable to stop it.But men see it also will have a harvest, because it is a real workplace inspiring type. Such as described in the film about Andy complaints. In reality, we will also work to produce to complain, but complaining about before, to look at whether they know enough professional and environment, whether enough respect customer, partner ,competitors.

let's review this movie .Somewhere is remain fresh in our memory.The frist one is “Ugly duckling become a swan”.Here,NIGEL,who play a important role.Nigel likes a angle,because he give andy a new like.When andy have some promove,her boyfriend tension.Andy said“Same andy,better clothes”,but the man said “I like the old clothes.” these words reflects a truth:Business and love can't and, what should choose what, and eventually give up? Miranda choose the business,so she have three broken marriage ,even can't protect the last one.WHY?I guess we can so easy find the answer:if you drop in your business,you must't have enough time and energy to keep your love fresh.Few quarrel is good,i hope think.At the same time,you drop in love,you can't have enough attention to do you work.It's fair,absolutely fair.So i find my next opinion,what life do you want and choose?

Miranda face in speed the car final test, Andy or by luxuriant step appearance, beating the fashion circle, to the queen, a figure to prove she want what life was like. Andy fulfilled his words: “I don't want to work in order to change myself.”So what is you want?Maybe someone choose the lifestyle likes the new andy,who is Carrying brand bag, dressed in brand-name clothes, attend various senior party, with all sorts of dignitaries are ambiguous, and treacherous colleagues, the end still expect to be with your lover.However not all people see the bitterness of ups and light behind and the unknown pain, don't even say the order to cause the hard to forget the sacrifice.God is fair, he give you open a door, you must give up another window.If i choose,i have to say i would rather to become the new andy.In my mind,if you can't become valuable avive ,i couldn't face myself.Success is said easy,but how many people can know one of the difficult.I bevelive that i can stand it!

IN fact,this movie adapted from a book.it says:“Efficient communication with the barbarian's execution. It is very important to target reaching. Communicate to efficient to what degree? Superior don't have to explain, subordinates, need not too much ask a why can fix things. Executive, to savage to what degree? See Andy from early favour to night, no breathing, even carry things run the street will call to deal with things, the answer is self-evident.We in many cases, to do things like always finish the task, finish. It's this kind of the attitude of the excelsior, to want to do what others pick out of your trouble, do the best, even more than others think be perfect. True, we want to try this to do some things, while his still young. Don't be afraid to trouble, do not be afraid of tired, these little trouble and small hard are temporary. If we can do one thing better than others, so then we would be less hard many, will also get more people of recognition. And for us, this is a big step in the perfect myself.”

I have to say one person “miranda”.I could use my word to express this woman ,however I translate passage:Miranda, in order to her fashion empire in the career, she became the devil, and become the blind man...... Because she thought it was the only one she way of life. Her own heart to happiness for price, become poor devil, but think everybody in envy her, envy her life and career; And continue to sell the drug, smoke more people of happiness. I also believe absolutely that such a blind man also many.I thinkit is the best annotation to this woman.In my heart,i respect she.I promiss ther is only people can over her!!!she can like the andy :Step back and back, again to choose the first feelings and he had nearly lost ideal.May she dream is here:THE QUEEN!!FOREVER QUEEN!

But seriously, the movie has some not real, I have reason to believe that the true to be like Andy such person is few.Extravagant life, a luxury and dissipation loring, the most memorable Paris hall, fashion, swept through everything.People cannot leave fashion, but people more from family, love and friendship.You will doubt why i made no mention of the intrigue.Because I don't want to let us college students too much on this aspect, and its entanglements and this, still be inferior to look on the bright side.I like a good result, more like the happy people around me in your flow performance.

Thanks for angle who let me have this wonderful movies. If can provide more good movies, I would be grateful.With my best wish to everyone who read this article!!!!!

Good luck!!

女王电影观后感 篇3



女王电影观后感 篇4







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      细细品味一部作品以后,相信你会有不少感想吧,这时候,最关键的观后感怎么能落下!是不是无从下笔、没有头绪?下面是小编帮大家整理的电影穿普拉达的女王观后感范文,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。电影女王观后感 篇1  同事说《穿普拉达的女王》这部电影很好看,在他的极力推荐下看了,现在来说说感想...

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