


2024-11-17 17:20:14

【#作文# #五一劳动节作文50字左右(热门七篇)#】劳动是创造一切幸福与美好的动力,也是积累最可靠的财富的途径。因为劳动,人类社会才不断进步发展。马上就到劳动节了,好工具范文网小编为大家整理了介绍劳动节的英语作文,供大家阅读。

五一劳动节作文50字左右 篇1




五一劳动节作文50字左右 篇2

Today is May day.For the first time I went to visit the Great Wall.

Early in the morning,Father,Mohter and I went to the railway station.We got to the Great Wall at about nine.It was warm and fine and there were many people.Among them there were a lot of foreigners.They all looked happy.When we climbed up I was very excited.Father told me the history of the Great Wall.We took a lot of photos on it

After we got home,we were all tired,but Iwas still very excited,I fell proud of the Great Wall and our great country.




五一劳动节作文50字左右 篇3



五一劳动节作文50字左右 篇4

Today is labor day. My mother and I went to the park mountain to play. The fierce sun shines brightly on the jubilant people.

We came to the "Three Kingdoms maze". My mother bought a ticket and just went in. I thought the maze was very simple. Just go around and you can come out. But we walked around in the second circle, but we didnt find the door. Fortunately, I walked into a dead end several times.

We went to see animals again. I saw beautiful peacocks, lovely Phoenix birds, small mountain deer, grinning monkeys, fierce tigers, lazy lions, bulky black bears and many other animals. I photographed them with my camera.

At the beginning of the animal performance, the keeper led the goat to stand on the arc-shaped stool. The goat carefully circled with its feet, walked on a thick rope, and then went down the stairs; The big black bear came out. He not only learned to stand and walk, but also turned a big stick with his front leg, faster and faster

Todays garden tour was very fruitful. I didnt expect that the heavy black bear would do such clever movements. Its really a "bear" that cant be judged by its appearance!






五一劳动节作文50字左右 篇5

The classmates, the word "labor" you must not strange! As long as the work, to learn. But for me, in my mind the most profound, dry is also one of the most awkward work, became the treasure in my heart.

That is probably when I was seven years old, after dinner, I suddenly want to do household chores, at this moment, I suddenly saw the pile of dishes in birdbath, my mind suddenly jumped out of an idea: not, I will wash the dishes. So I say to grandma, "grandma, this time let me to wash the dishes". Grandma agreed. But I just picked up the bowl, stumped: should use something to wash dishes? I left pace, right look, I finally found a spiral brush, I thought: washing bowl with the stuff should be good. So I just take it began to wash the dishes.

Began to wash the dishes, I'll put the bowl into the water, having some water, and then use the brush brush like shoe polish brushes off as it hit the bowl of rice residue. In dry for about half an hour later, I didn't wash all thumbs up three bowl and a dish. In the process of washing and nearly dropped the tray down and broken.

Human material world, created a rich in labor also created the magnificent spirit world. No work, no civilization. Therefore, we should be an industrious people.

五一劳动节作文50字左右 篇6





五一劳动节作文50字左右 篇7

May Day holiday, several of our families went to Shenzhen Dapeng ancient city wild drink.

After going to 11 o clock, we began to work together, some people to pick vegetables, some people to kill chickens, some people to catch fish, some people to pick wood, and some people to wash POTS and dishes and so on. After everyone worked together, soon fried a table of dishes out, we are happy to eat their own labor out of the food, too delicious.

After lunch, we went to play singing, playing billiards, swinging and so on. Later, when we wanted to go for a bike ride, it rained heavily. We went to the ancient city to play, play for a while back to Dongguan. I had an unforgettable Labor Day this year.




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