


2024-10-10 16:57:47

【#祝福语大全# #平安夜送情祝福语(收藏22句)#】1、May you never think of Shu, and live in peace!

2、you is the pursuit of my life, my each minute rotation for you!

3、no charming appearance, just keep moving smile, add your happiness; Not elegant temperament, maintain a positive attitude, show your energy; No gift, just send me a greeting, reveal your feelings. Wish me merry Christmas!

4、I send you a cornucopia, which is packed with flowers, fruits and good fortune, gold, jade and happiness. I wish you peace and happiness in your arms!

5、The weather is cloudy or sunny, and my blessing will never change; Summer comes and spring goes, and the friendship between the four seasons does not go; Time goes by, worrying about lingering, from now until forever; Happiness opens page by page, with a little warm words. May you enjoy happiness every day and be safe all your life!

6、wine, swaying in the glass; Lights in the dark decayed; Happiness in life intoxicated; Happy, laugh in holiday; Snow, falling in the auspicious; Greetings, in the sincere service. Friends, I wish you a merry Christmas and happy infinite!

7、There may be thousands of miles of ice and thousands of miles of snow, but your holiness and warmth make us believe that there is no winter in life. Teacher! I will always be grateful to you! Bless you!

8、each piece blossom petals, have my sincere blessings, each piece of bud bud, have I sound greetings, please slowly breeze transmission, may flowers and green leaves, embellish your colorful life! Wishing you all a merry Christmas!

9、no special blessing, only care about words; There is no sweet words, only a true to you; My eyes only you, I love you! Dear, I wish you a merry Christmas!

10、Dear friend, I send you a safe journey, a happy heart, three Yang Kai Tai, extending in all directions, five blessings, 66 Shun, colorful life, versatility, and a very happy life.

11、Seasons change, feel the beauty of winter solstice temperature change, time goes by, experience the magic of Christmas Eve meeting, and enjoy the subtlety of Christmas hug. Dear friend, my blessing is day and night, and I wish you happiness all the time!

12、May you be healthy and happy on Christmas Eve!

13、today is Christmas Eve, it is said that today the apple placed on the top of the head can reach a wish. I tried, the results were achieved. You try it, soon. By the way, my desire is to fool the people look at the messages.

14、A meteor across the night sky, I wish。 The resulting lit hall, I happiness。 Happy tonight, Christmas Eve to pray for the peace in bloom。 Wishing you a Christmas Eve and I spent together, enjoy the beauty, create tomorrow!

15、Eat a green apple. I wish you eternal youth and never grow old!

16、no snow even not romantic Christmas, with the blessing even winter is warm, Christmas Eve I wish: may happy life with you always! Wish you a gift a mountain

17、every snowflake is a picture of a fine design, each snowflake represents my wish, is a happiness, is a piece of wealth, is a happiness, is a piece of ankang, one is the best, is a piece of good luck, patches of flying around you, long patches of friendship, I wish a happy Christmas!

18、Whether you think it is a sugar-coated cannonball or an old tune; In a word, I recklessly rushed to send you the news of live ammunition on Christmas Eve: Christmas Day, I wish your life and career a late success from now on!

19、Note that this is a seed message. If you save it in your mobile phone, you will grow a Christmas tree. Seeds are safe, buds are hope, trunks are healthy, leaves are happy, branches are auspicious, and shade is safe. Merry Christmas!

20、today want to eat Fried rice with egg, but can only eat, cannot eat eggs. If you can reach the state egg separate meal, will surely remnant egg is happy! If you can the egg in the Christmas greeting SMS Fried rice again, back to complete egg, round egg is happy!

21、I didnt mess with you! Whats with the red face? Eyes wide like small round beans! Know that you work very seriously, dont let others invade your privacy, and sing when youre done. Then I wont bother you. I wish you a happy "laying eggs"!

22、a bright moon snow, on Christmas Eve. Miss distance, the countrys more sorrow. Pass to blessing thousands of words, text messages. But each peace, everything is healthy. Wish distant with you, the heart with songs.

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