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2023-11-26 20:10:00

【#祝福语大全# #2023英文祝福短句(必备200句)#】你觉得哪些祝福语可以提醒人们珍惜现在的幸福和快乐呢?祝福语可以传达真诚的心声,让我们以坚定的信念传递祝福,给人们带来勇气和希望。对于对“英文祝福短句”感兴趣的人来说,这里提供了一些相关信息。记得要好好对待自己,爱自己才能更好地爱别人!


1、Let's celebrate our country's achievements and progress on this National Day with pride!

2、May the red flag of our great nation always wave high and bright. Happy National Day!


4、Let's cherish the memory of our ancestors and honor their legacy on this National Day. Best wishes to all!

5、Happy National Day to all my fellow citizens! May we continue to uphold the values and principles that make our country great.

6、Let's raise our voices and cheer for our great nation on National Day!

7、Happy National Day to all those who call China their home!

8、May your National Day be filled with the miracles of science, the joys of technology, and the pride of being a Chinese citizen.

9、May the pride and patriotism of our people continue to fuel our nation's progress and development. Happy National Day!

10、Happy National Day, my fellow Americans! Let's keep our country strong.

11、Happy National Day to all the wonderful people of China. Your contributions to global cooperation and development are commendable.

12、May our nation continue to be a shining example of democracy and diversity. Happy National Day!

13、Happy National Day to a nation that is full of potential, promise, and energy!

14、Happy National Day to the land of opportunity and greatness. May it always be a place of growth and success. 向机会和伟大之地祝贺国庆节。愿它永远是成长和成功的地方。

15、May the National Day fill us with hope, inspiration and courage towards overcoming the many challenges and crises facing our world, and towards shaping a more peaceful and prosperous future for all!

16、On this special day, let us all renew our commitment to work towards the betterment of our nation. Happy National Day!

17、Happy National Day to all my fellow countrymen! Let's work together for a brighter future. 向所有我的同胞祝贺国庆节!让我们一起为更加美好的未来而努力。

18、On this National Day, let's remember the sacrifices of our forefathers and renew our commitment to building a better future.


20、Wishing you all a very happy and prosperous National Day celebration with your friends and family.


21、May the red star of our great nation shine bright and strong for generations to come. Happy National Day!

22、Let us work towards a better future for our country on this National Day. 在国庆节上,让我们为我们国家的更美好未来而努力。

23、Happy National Day! May the spirit and joy of this day inspire you to greatness.

24、Let's celebrate our traditions, values, and achievements on National Day.

25、May your National Day be filled with joy and celebration!

26、It's time to celebrate our great country on National Day with family and friends!


28、Let's honor the courage, sacrifice, and ingenuity of the Chinese people on this National Day. Best wishes to all!


30、On National Day, let's come together and celebrate the rich culture, traditions, and heritage of our country.

31、Happy National Day to the land of heroes and wonders. May we continue to inspire and amaze the world. 向英雄之地和奇迹之国祝贺国庆节。愿我们继续激励和惊艳全世界。


33、Happy National Day to the people of China! May your hearts be filled with love, hope, and optimism.

34、May your National Day be filled with the warmth of family, the joy of friendship, and the pride of being a Chinese citizen.

35、Let us all come together and celebrate the National Day with a deep appreciation for the beauty, complexity and diversity of our culture, language and people!

36、May our country continue to prosper and be an inspiration to the world on this National Day and beyond. 在国庆节和将来,愿我们的国家继续繁荣,成为全世界的榜样。

37、Wishing you a very happy and prosperous National Day.

38、May the National Day inspire us to be more mindful, compassionate and responsible towards our environment, our natural resources and all living beings that share our planet!

39、Happy National Day to all the scientists, researchers, and scholars who have pushed the boundaries of human knowledge and understanding.

40、On this National Day, let us all celebrate the diversity, complexity and richness of our culture, history and heritage, and work towards creating a more inclusive and respectful society where everyone is valued and appreciated!


41、May this National Day be a time to appreciate the beauty of our country, the richness of our culture, and the strength of our people!


43、Let us all stand together as one nation and sing praises to the glory of our great country. Happy National Day!

44、On this special day, let's celebrate the rich cultural heritage of China and its people!

45、On this National Day, let's rekindle the flame of patriotism and national pride.

46、Let us come together and celebrate National Day with joy, peace, and unity, and honor the spirit of patriotism that has made our country great.

47、On this special day of National Day, let us all take a moment to appreciate the beauty and diversity of our natural world, and to renew our commitment towards protecting and preserving it for generations to come!

48、Best wishes to everyone on this unforgettable National Day!

49、Wishing you a joyous National Day filled with love, laughter, and appreciation for our beloved country.


51、Happy National Day to all my fellow citizens! Let us all stand united and work towards a better future for our country and our people.

52、Let us all unite on this special day to celebrate our nation and honor our great history.

53、Happy National Day! May this day bring you peace, happiness, and prosperity.

54、Happy National Day! May the bond of our shared heritage strengthen our nation and promote peace and understanding.

55、Let's celebrate the beauty and majesty of China on this National Day. Best wishes to all!

56、On this special day, let us all remember the sacrifices made by our forefathers to establish our nation. Happy National Day!

57、Happy National Day to all our fellow citizens! Let us all work towards building a more inclusive, empathetic and compassionate society where everyone is valued and respected!

58、Happy National Day to everyone who values the importance of culture, history, and tradition. Let's continue to preserve and cherish them.

59、Happy National Day to a nation that has contributed so much to the world!

60、On this special day, let us remember the sacrifices and hard work of our forefathers who fought for our independence and freedom. 在这个特殊的日子里,让我们铭记我们的先辈们为我们的独立和自由而奋斗的牺牲和辛勤劳动。


61、Here's to a National Day filled with passion, pride, and patriotism.

62、Best wishes to the people of China on this auspicious occasion! Happy National Day!


64、Happy National Day to all the people of China, from all walks of life!

65、Let us all strive to build a society that is based on compassion, empathy, and understanding. Happy National Day!


67、Wishing you a Happy National Day! 祝你国庆节快乐!

68、On this special day, may our nation continue to prosper and grow stronger. Happy National Day!

69、Happy National Day to all the brave and determined citizens of China. Your perseverance and courage inspire us all.

70、Happy National Day to the land of the rising sun! May you continue to shine brightly in the international community.

71、Happy National Day to a country that has brought so much joy, beauty and inspiration to the world!



74、Best wishes to the people of China on this National Day. May your country continue to prosper and thrive.

75、May the National Day bring you peace, joy and prosperity, and may the spirit of our nation continue to thrive and flourish!


77、On this special day, let us all remember the sacrifices made by our martyrs for the freedom and independence of our nation. Happy National Day!


79、Wishing you all a joyous and unforgettable National Day celebration with your loved ones.

80、Let us take a moment to appreciate the rich history and culture of our country on this National Day. 在这个国庆节,让我们暂停一下,欣赏我们国家丰富的历史和文化。





84、Here's to a fantastic National Day full of love, peace, and prosperity!

85、Let us all work towards a world that is free of war, conflict, and violence. Happy National Day!

86、As we celebrate National Day, let's remember the struggles and triumphs of our nation and look forward to a brighter future!


88、May this National Day inspire us to achieve even greater heights and work towards a better tomorrow for our nation.

89、Let us never forget the lessons of our nation's history and use them as a guide to shape a better future. Happy National Day!

90、May the symbol of our nation's sovereignty, the mighty dragon, continue to soar high and proud. Happy National Day!

91、Wishing you a happy National Day with laughter, love, and peace.

92、May the National Day bring peace, joy and prosperity to every corner of our nation!



95、Let's celebrate the richness and diversity of Chinese culture on this National Day. Best wishes to all!

96、Let us all strive to make our nation a better place for future generations. Happy National Day!

97、Let the spirit of National Day bring us together in peace, love, and harmony.

98、May this National Day be a time to reflect on our history, appreciate our present, and look forward to a brighter future!

99、Let us come together as one nation this National Day and celebrate the freedom, peace, and unity that define our beloved country.

100、Happy National Day! Let us all cherish the freedom, democracy and human rights that we enjoy, and work towards preserving and expanding them for all our fellow citizens!


101、On this National Day, let's reaffirm our commitment to our great country and work towards a brighter future.


103、May the National Day bring us closer to one another, and help us appreciate the beauty and value of different cultures, languages and traditions that enrich our lives!



106、May this National Day bring us all closer together as a nation and as a people!

107、Wishing you all a happy, safe, and memorable National Day with loved ones.

108、Happy National Day! May this day be a celebration of our shared heritage and values.


110、Happy National Day to everyone who calls China their home. May your love for your country continue to grow stronger each day.

111、May this National Day be a reminder of the beauty, diversity, and strength of our nation.

112、Let us all strive for a society that is based on respect, dignity, and human rights for all. Happy National Day!

113、Happy National Day! Let us all embrace our nationality and work towards a better tomorrow for our country and our people.

114、Happy National Day! Let us all reflect on the values that make our country great and work together to build a better future.

115、Happy National Day to my fellow citizens! Let us all work towards a brighter future for ourselves and our nation.

116、Sending my best wishes to you on our nation's special day. Happy National Day!

117、On this joyous occasion of National Day, let us celebrate the unity and prosperity of our country.


119、Let us remember the sacrifices of our forefathers and strive to make our country even greater on this National Day.

120、Let's celebrate our unity in diversity with pride, joy, and understanding! Happy National Day!


121、May your National Day be filled with the warmth of family, the joys of friendship, and the pride of being Chinese.

122、Happy National Day to our beloved country. May it continue to flourish and blossom. 向我们心爱的国家祝贺国庆节。愿它继续繁荣和开花结果。

123、Let's celebrate the unity and harmony of our great nation on National Day.


125、On National Day, let's remember our roots and celebrate our diversity.

126、Wishing you all a very happy National Day filled with love and good cheer.

127、Happy National Day to all the journalists, media workers, and public intellectuals who have contributed to our nation's intellectual and political discourse.

128、On this National Day, let us reflect on our blessings and honor the sacrifices of our forefathers and heroes who made our country great.



131、On this special day of National Day, let us honor the legacy of our forefathers and pay tribute to their hard work and sacrifices!


133、Let's celebrate the diversity and richness of our nation on National Day and promote love, kindness, and understanding.

134、May the bond of love and affection among us become stronger. Happy National Day!



137、Happy National Day to a great nation that has so much to be proud of!

138、On National Day, let's remember the sacrifices of our forefathers and honor their legacy by working towards a better future.

139、Best wishes for a joyful and inspiring National Day celebration!

140、May our country continue to shine brightly and prosper under the spirit of patriotism and love for our country this National Day.


141、Let us all come together and celebrate the National Day with a deep sense of gratitude towards our soldiers, doctors, police officers, teachers, farmers, scientists and all those unsung heroes who work tirelessly to make our country great!

142、Happy National Day to one of the greatest nations in the world!

143、Happy National Day to a great nation that has come so far and achieved so much!


145、Happy National Day to all our compatriots! Let us all work towards creating a world where democracy, freedom and human rights are respected and upheld by all nations and peoples!

146、On this special day, let us renew our commitment to building a society that is fair, just, and equitable for all. Happy National Day!

147、Let us take a moment to reflect on the sacrifices and struggles that our country has faced on this National Day. 在国庆节上,让我们暂停一下,反思我们国家所面临的牺牲和挣扎。

148、Here's to a National Day filled with love, laughter, and unity.


150、May your National Day be filled with the love of family, the passion of friendship, and the pride of being a Chinese citizen.


152、Let's celebrate our country and all that it stands for on National Day!

153、The celebration of National Day is a reminder of the greatness and richness of our culture and heritage.

154、On this auspicious occasion of National Day, let us extend our warmest wishes to our leaders, soldiers and fellow countrymen!

155、Let's raise a toast to the land of the dragon and its people! Happy National Day!


157、Let's celebrate our country's independence and freedom on this National Day with hearts full of pride and honor!



160、Wishing all my Chinese friends and colleagues a wonderful National Day celebration!




163、Best wishes to the people of China on this National Day. May your hearts be filled with joy and gratitude.

164、Let us take a moment to honor the men and women who have made great sacrifices so that we can enjoy the freedoms and liberties of our country. Happy National Day!


166、Happy National Day to everyone in China! May you enjoy a great celebration with your loved ones.

167、Let us not forget the sacrifices of our ancestors and work towards a better tomorrow for ourselves and our country on this National Day.


169、Let's embrace the pride and spirit of our nation on this National Day and every day!

170、Happy National Day to all the entrepreneurs, innovators, and business leaders who have driven our nation's economic growth and development.

171、On this National Day, let us all come together to celebrate our country and the people who make it great.

172、May this National Day be a time to appreciate our shared heritage, respect our differences, and work to create a better world for everyone!

173、Let us all celebrate the national day with pride and joy. Happy National Day!

174、On this special day of National Day, let us all take a moment to appreciate the beauty and wonder of our planet, and to rededicate ourselves towards protecting and preserving it for future generations!

175、Happy National Day! May you enjoy peace, prosperity, and happiness in the years to come.

176、May the National Day remind us of the immense sacrifices made by our soldiers and leaders to secure the freedom and independence of our country!


178、Happy National Day to all the wonderful people of China. Your contributions to the world are invaluable.




181、May the National Day bring you joy, prosperity, and success.

182、Let us celebrate the freedom and democracy of our country on this National Day. 在国庆节上,让我们庆祝我们国家的自由和民主。

183、Let us all take pride in our country and work towards a better tomorrow for ourselves and future generations on this National Day.

184、Happy National Day to one and all! May we continue to stand strong and united as a nation.

185、May your National Day be filled with hope, positivity, and the love of your fellow citizens. Best wishes to all!

186、Let us raise our flags high and celebrate National Day with pride, joy, and gratitude for all that our country has given us.

187、Wishing you all a safe and happy National Day with family and friends.

188、Happy National Day to you and your family! Have a wonderful time with your loved ones.

189、It's an honor to be part of such a great nation on National Day!

190、Let's honor the traditions and customs that make China unique, on this National Day and always. Best wishes to all!

191、May the joy and pride of our great nation always be with you. Happy National Day!

192、Happy National Day! Let us all be grateful for the blessings and opportunities our nation provides.


194、Let us all remember the brave men and women who fought for our freedoms on this National Day and every day.

195、May our country continue to prosper and thrive on this National Day and always.

196、Best wishes to all my Chinese friends on this National Day!



199、May the spirit of nationalism and brotherhood among us become stronger. Happy National Day!



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