【#周记# #英语旅游周记#】我担心如果没有帮助,她会出事故。所以我帮她穿过马路。结果,我上学迟到了,但我很高兴。
What a fine day today !i’m very happy in this fine day . beaucse today i don’t have to do my homework and i can play with my good friends .there is lots of snow now ,so we make a sonw man .that’s really intersting .we play with snow to about 6:30.of couse i must go home now. what a fan day !
Summer vacation to stay at home to do homework, can not help but feel a little boring, in addition to reading books or television, accompanied by grandfather grandmother playing a few cards, looking happy. My mother is very harsh to me, often in my ear nagging, will let me repeat the number of English, say "immediately graduated, or junior high school so relaxed!" I had to obediently fate, only 5 days to finish the homework Half of it! Amazing! Although my summer breath, but still "behind closed doors", alas, bad luck!
Swimming is my indispensable movement in the summer, in the Bibo Li a fierce jump, it will let that Bi Chan Cham, cool water, cool body, soaked heart. Although occasionally in the pool to drink a few saliva, but in the pool feeling is still great, so cool! In the hot summer, to a few dogs climbing, a few breaststroke, there is a sense of casual fashion.
Summer vacation, there are also free in the plain, but also happy. Boring and happy life ah! Ha ha.
Today, I traveled to Vietnam with my mother, aunt and cousin. After arriving in Vietnam by plane for more than two hours, we took the tour bus to the hotel to check in. The tour guide introduced the trip and precautions in Vietnam to us on the car, and the tour guide said that there were a lot of motorcycles on the streets of Vietnam and asked us to walk carefully.
Then the guide let us rest in the hotel, and then take a cruise in the evening to Vietnam "Saigon River" and have dinner and watch a show on the cruise ship. My cousin and I were excited to hear the show. In the evening, we drove to the docks and boarded a beautiful boat. Cruise. Had a nice dinner. Then watched a few very wonderful performances, one of which is particularly beautiful is the fire wheel performance, really wonderful. After the show, we drove back to the hotel to rest. Even though I am sleepy, I am looking forward to a wonderful trip to Vietnam in the next few days...
I went to the home for the aged with my friends on july 30th.as soon as the eldly people saw us, they were all happy. 1.we sang songs and danced for them. then we helped the worker clean the rooms and washes the clothes. they praized us a lot and said that we were good boys. although we felt tired, we had a good time.
我在七月30日和伙伴去了敬老院。那些老年人一看到我们就非常欢快。我们给他们唱歌、跳舞。 然后我们帮助那里的工人们打扫房间、洗衣服。他们夸赞我们是好孩子。尽管我们感到很累,当我们过得很愉快。
Home to the floor dirty, my mother did not e home, I decided to sweep the floor. Say to work, I took a broom to clean, a dustbin full and take out the garbage. Although the waist is sour, people also tired, sweating sweat dripping, can see the clean floor, my heart is sweet.
Today is the last day of summer vacation. Im going to make teddy bears with Chen Chen.
Lets pick what kind of bear were gonna be. I picked a joint. Brown bear, then take a seat. The waiter brought the bear without cotton. I stuffed cotton into the bears opening. Once stuffed, sew the opening with a needle and thread. I had never sewed before, so I asked the waiter to show me. I learned quickly, stitch by stitch. The seam was slow, and then I pricked my hand and had to let my mother sew for me. The bear is done, I put clothes on it, and the bear will be more beautiful. Little Bear also got a passport!
After the teddy bear, we also had ice cream, cake and juice!
If I have one thousand dollars, I will buy some flowers for my teachers and my parents, because they teach me a lot. If I have one thousand dollars, I will give some to the poor people and the poor children, let the children go to school and have a richer life. If I have one thousand dollars, I will buy a lot of books for myself. Then I will call my good friends come to my house to enjoy my books together. If I have one thousand dollars, I will save the money in the bank for the future in need.
Since I go to high school, I live in the school and stay away from my parents. I have three roommates, at the beginning, we have trouble in staying in the same room, but now we have got used to it. One of my roommates impresses me so much, since she comes to our room, she keeps the habit of reading the novel when we go to bed. She told me that when she lived with her parents, she dared not to read it because her mother would blame her for sleeping late. Now she is very happy that she is out of control, it seems that she is free. But I feel sorry for her, because she is short-sighted now, what’s more, she is lagging behind other students in the study. Staying away from her parents, she is not strong enough to behave herself. We should have the strong will and behave ourselves.
Its a fine day. I went to the nearest park to play with my friends. we talked about our favourite books and what we come across during the last two days.
wang lei said he went shopping with his parents and bought many things for the coming new year.
And I said to them I also bought many things but I prefered food. it is a nice day to talk with my friends.
已到了一天的末尾,相信大家一定感触颇深吧,这时候,最关键的日记怎么能落下。怎样写日记才更能吸引眼球呢?以下是小编帮大家整理的护理实习日记,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。麻醉护理实习护士周记 篇1 岁末年初,回顾icu病房起步的这一年当中,我在担任icu护士长这一年期间,在院领导的关心下,在科主任...
不经意间,眨眼间,一个星期已经过去,我们一定都积累了不少宝贵的经历,是时候在周记中好好总结过去的成绩了。那么好的周记是什么样的呢?以下是小编收集整理的假期的周记400字,欢迎大家分享。假期周记 篇1 这一个寒假,我遨游了书的海洋,品尝了“开心夏威夷果”……看了幽默风趣的“快乐驿站”,观赏了色彩...
随着个人素质的提升,报告的用途越来越大,不同种类的报告具有不同的用途。我敢肯定,大部分人都对写报告很是头疼的,以下是小编帮大家整理的客服实训报告,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。京东客服实习生周记 篇1 新疆农业大学实习报告实习课程名称(课号): 毕业实习 学 院: 计算机与信息工程学院 专 ...
时光如流水般匆匆流动,一个星期已经结束了,想必大家都有了很深的感触吧,写13篇周记,将自己的经历记录在里面吧。但是却发现不知道该写些什么,下面是小编收集整理的物流实习周记,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。公司司机实习周记 篇1 还有半个学期就要告别大学生活了,即将踏入社会,我们不再是温室的花朵,必...
时间是箭,去来迅疾,转眼一周又结束了,一定有不少的收获,一定有不少可以记录的东西吧,该写10篇周记了。周记怎么写才不会流于形式呢?下面是小编为大家收集的护士实习周记,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。护理实习生见习周周记 篇1 护士毕业生实习周记1 7月15日,那一天的太阳特别猛烈...
工作在不经意间已经告一段落了,我们既增长了见识,也锻炼自身,制定19篇周记吧。那么我们该怎么去写周记呢?下面是小编为大家收集的实习教师实习周记,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。初中历史实习教师实习周记 篇1 第一周 作为一名学生,太多的是知识的增长,而作为一名老师需要的东西太多不仅在...
小班的年龄特点最突出的是模仿,因此在活动中应强调“可以?还可以?”或“有没有和别人不同的办法?,不断引导他们发挥想象。小班幼儿的认知发展是依靠行为的,因为他们处于直觉行动到具体形象思维的过渡阶段。接纳幼儿“边做边说”或“先做后说”的行为,给予口头和肢体语言一同来表达思想的机会。火车站实习周记 篇...
愉快又充实的一周又告一段落了,这一小段时间里,我们一定有不少所感所惑吧,一定有不少可以记录的东西吧,该写8篇周记了。但是周记有什么要求呢?以下是小编精心整理的关于汽车维修实习的周记,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。汽修实习周记 篇1 实习周记(一) 俗话说:“纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。”...
时间是箭,去来迅疾,转眼一周又结束了,一定有不少的收获,一定有不少可以记录的东西吧,该写10篇周记了。周记怎么写才不会流于形式呢?下面是小编为大家收集的护士实习周记,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。实习护理岗前培训周记 篇1 第一周 怀揣着些许的激动与不安,今天终于成为一名实习护...
时间过得真快啊,眨眼间,一个星期已经过去了,我们对人和事情也有了新的看法,不如趁现在好好写12篇周记。周记怎么写才条理清晰呢?下面是小编为大家整理的个人实习周记,欢迎阅读与收藏。企业培训讲师实习周记 篇1 我发现一件事,就是:很多电话打来公司做推销的。我记得上一任文员跟我说,要懂得去筛选哪些电...