


2024-10-12 13:59:12

【#句子# #最新祝福自己生日的英文句子30句#】1、愿这张小卡片,给你快乐的日子平添一分春色,一分乐趣,一分怡心! May this card, your birthday brings a spring, a fun, a happy heart!

2、这是郁金香的日子,也是我的日子。愿我年年这一天吉祥如意,芬芳馥郁! This is the tulip day, but also my day. May this day of the year be auspicious and fragrant!

3、今天是你的生日,怎么不相信吗?马上你就明白了,往下看,往下看再往下看,好了,一个听话的傻瓜诞生了。生日快乐。 Today is your birthday,how dont believe it?Soon you will understand,look down,look down to downwards see again,well,an obedient fool was born。 Happy birthday。

4、正如玫瑰逗人喜爱,愿你的生日带给你愉快,因为你是最可爱的妹妹,祝生日快乐! As the rose cute, I wish you a happy birthday, because you are the most lovely sister, I wish Happy birthday!

5、海浪为劈风斩浪的航船饯行,为随波逐流的轻舟送葬。祝自己生日快乐! Waves are for sailing boats, and funerals for boats drifting along with the waves. Happy birthday to myself!

6、友情,不是茶,愈冲,愈淡;友情,应是酒,愈陈,愈香!祝你在生日后的每一天里依然健康快乐!Friendship is not tea, the more red, the lighter; friendship, should be wine, the older, the more fragrant! I wish you health and happiness every day after your birthday!

7、明天是我的生日,你信么?反正我信了,哈哈。Tomorrow is my birthday, do you believe it? I believe it anyway, ha ha.

8、美丽的清晨迎来又一个生日,祝自己越来越好!生日快乐!永远快乐! Beautiful morning ushered in another birthday, I wish myself better and better! Happy birthday! Always happy!

9、愿自己一生幸福,一生被爱,想要的拥有,得不到的都释怀。I would like to live a happy life, a life of love, want to have, can not get all over.

10、暖暖的烛光里,有我的思绪与期盼,纵然相隔太远太远,仍送去无限想念及祝福。 Warm candlelight, my thoughts and expectations, even though far apart too far away, still send infinite miss and blessing.

11、抓住今天的小尾巴,祝自己生日快乐!朋友圈的你们,你们也要快乐哦! Grasp todays little tail and wish you a happy birthday! Friends circle of you, you also want to be happy!

12、您用母爱哺育了我的魂魄和躯体,您的乳汁是我思维的源泉,您的眼里系着我生命的希冀。妈妈,我不知如何报答您,祝您生日快乐! You with a mothers love feeding my soul and body, your breast milk is the source of my thinking, your eyes with the hope of my life。 Mom, I dont know how to repay you, I wish you a happy birthday!

13、致自己:愿你合上笔盖的那一刻有武士将刀收回剑鞘般的骄傲。To Myself: May the moment you close your pen,a warrior draws his sword back into its sheath.

14、快快活活乐陶陶,乐乐悠悠喜上眉梢! Happy and happy, happy and happy!

15、在这个特别的日子里,我没有别的话,只想你知道,每年今天,你都会收到我的祝福,感到我的爱,永远的爱! On this special day,I have no other words,just want you to know,every year today,you will receive my blessing,feel my love,forever love!

16、烦恼烦恼快赶跑,快乐马上就要到,忧愁忧愁马上消,幸福不会放你逃。好运好运赶紧到,消灭霉运心情好。短信短信你收到,收到定要收藏好。祝生日快乐! Trouble troubles away quickly, happy to soon, grief sorrow away immediately, happiness will not let you escape。 Good luck good luck to quickly, eliminate the bad luck in a good mood。 SMS text messages you received, need to collect。 I wish a happy birthday!

17、日月轮转永不断,情若真挚长相伴。 The rotation of the sun and the moon will never stop, and the feeling will be accompanied by sincerity.

18、没有比脚更远的路,没有比人更高的山!今天是自己的生日,祝自己快乐!There is no farther road than foot, no mountain higher than man! Today is my birthday, wish myself happiness!

19、母亲的爱就是日常生活妈妈给予我的点点滴滴中,它百是一种朴实的爱!祝自己生日快乐!Mothers love is the daily life, my mother gave me every bit, it is a kind of simple love! Happy birthday to myself!

20、在这个特殊的日子,祝愿生活越来越美好,让美丽潇洒永远相伴。In this special day,I wish life is more and more beautiful,let the beautiful and unrestrained accompany forever.

21、热烈祝贺我的生辰!愿你的计划都能实现、愿我的生活永远美丽!Warm congratulations on my birthday! May all your plans come true, and may my life be beautiful forever!

22、用我全身心的爱祝你生日快乐! Happy birthday with all my love!

23、多一份欢欣就多一份美好,多一份快乐就多一份如意。愿节日的欢欣永远伴随着你。 One more joy on a more beautiful, more happy on a lot of wishful、May the joy of the season be with you always.

24、人生充满了不确定,和惊喜。今天是自己的生日,祝自己快乐!life is full of uncertainty and surprises. today is my birthday, i wish myself happy!

25、骏马是跑出来的,强兵是打出来的。今天是自己的生日,祝自己快乐!Horses run out, and strong soldiers fight out. Today is my birthday, I wish myself happy!

26、只有登上山顶,才能看到那边的风光。今天是自己的生日,祝自己快乐! Only by climbing to the top of the mountain can we see the scenery over there. Today is my birthday, I wish myself happy!

27、祈愿您心灵深处,好花常开,好景常在,好运永远盈满胸怀!生日快乐! Wish you a good heart, a regular flower, often in good luck, filled with mind forever! Happy birthday!

28、简单的一句话语,一个祝福,寄给一个远在他乡的你。虽然不常联系,但是不曾忘记。祝你生日快乐,愿你天天都有好心情! Simple word,a blessing,send a far in your home。 Although not often contact,but he never forgot about it。 I wish you a happy birthday,wish you have a good mood every day!

29、在这个特殊的日子里,我带着最真的.心,愿你生日快乐,幸福无限。 On this special day, with the most sincere heart, I wish you a happy birthday and infinite happiness.

30、又涨了一岁,祝自己生日快乐,顺顺利利的,加油!Happy birthday to you, I wish you a smooth and profitable . Come on!

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