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2024-10-05 13:02:26

【#句子# #英语祝福的句子(分享41句)#】1、过去的一年我们合作的很愉快,谢谢您的关照,祝您全家欢乐,心想事成! Over the past year we cooperation is very happy, thank you for your attention and wish you and your family have a happy, happy!

2、一声问候,一个愿望,一串祝福望你心中常有快乐涌现。 A greeting, a wish, a string of blessing hope you very happy in your heart。

3、愿你俩恩恩爱爱,此生爱情永恒,爱心与日俱增! May you two boon conjugal love,eternal love in this lifetime,love grows day by day!

4、紫色的风铃,诉说着牵挂的深情;金色的光辉,照耀着思念的深邃;白色的云朵,飘洒着祝福的诉说;祝愿你拥有快乐周末! Purple wind chimes, telling the deep feeling of caring; The depth of golden light, shining thoughts; White clouds, floating wishes to tell; Wish you have a happy weekend!

5、祝你永远开心每一天! I wish you always happy every day!

6、平安夜,祥和温馨,有平安如意之兆,有健康快乐之福,愿君平安夜里收好运,幸福开心乐陶陶,默默接受我祝福,福寿安康行好运! Christmas Eve,warm and peaceful have peace satisfied of trillion,has the blessing of health and happiness,good luck,peace be to you the night happy covered,silent accept my blessing,good fortune longevity and health!

7、愿人生静好,岁岁含香。 May life be quiet and sweet every year.

8、夜空的星星闪烁,宛如我的相思之泪滑落;平安夜的乐曲响彻,怀念我常为你弹奏的歌虽然我不在你身边,但很想在你耳边轻轻说:宝贝,圣诞快乐。 The stars twinkle in the night sky,like drop tears full of my missing.Christmas Eve music ring,miss I often play the song for you though Im not in your side,but really want to gently in your ear said:baby,merry Christmas.

9、愿你天天快乐,年年好运,一生幸福! May you be happy every day,good luck every year and happy all your life!

10、愿你一切,都如意。 I wish you all the best.

11、亲爱的,卸下一天的疲惫与紧张,快速的进入梦乡,祝你好梦,晚安。 Dear,unload the fatigue and tension of the day,and go to sleep quickly.Wish you good dreams and good night.

12、朋友,愿你快乐一夏,幸福如花! Friends,I wish you a happy summer,happy as flowers!

13、愿你一路顺风永不放弃低落。 May you have a pleasant journey and never give up your depression.

14、又长大了一岁,要更勇敢,少发脾气,按时睡觉,不要乱想。 When you are one year older,you should be more brave,less angry,go to bed on time and dont think about anything.

15、从此烦恼消,天天乐逍遥。 From then on,my troubles will disappear and I will be happy every day.

16、这条短信:载满的是思念,装满的是想念,盛满的是牵挂,填满的是问候,写满的是祝福,周末到了,愿你快乐相伴,幸福相绕,吉祥如意。 This message: full is missing, is filled with miss, is filled with care, fill the greetings, writing is full of blessings, weekend comes, wish you happy companions, happiness around, good lucky for you。

17、告诉我什么时候你再来,耕垦我荒芜的笑容系住我失舵的小舟,愿你今日快乐! Tell me when you will come again,cultivate my barren smile and tie up my rudderless boat.Wish you happy today!

18、祝福送友人,真情给诚人,祝福传真情,道一声晚安,好梦伴入眠。 Good wishes to your friends,true feelings to sincere people,blessing to convey true feelings,a good night,a good dream with sleep.

19、支支灿烂的烛光,岁岁生日的幸福,幸运的你,明天会更好! A brilliant candlelight, suisui birthday happy, lucky you, tomorrow will be better!

20、恭喜贵公司成功上市!在新的一年里大展宏图! Congratulations on your successful listing! In the future in the New Year!

21、亲爱的老师,二十年了,今天再见面,你却老了,头上有了更多的白发,在此我祝您健康长寿! Dear teacher, for twenty years, meet again today, you are old, head have more white hair, here I wish you longevity and health!

22、生日快乐,越长越漂亮,开开心心发。 Happy birthday, more long more beautiful, a happy heart。

23、岁月可以褪去记忆,却褪不去我们一路留下的欢声笑语。祝你新春快乐,岁岁安怡! Years may faded memories faded, but not to our laughter all the way。 I wish you a happy New Year, but each anlene!

24、很荣幸过去的一年里能在您的领导下工作和学习,祝您在新的一年里健康如意,马到成功。 Is a great pleasure in the past year and can work under your leadership and learning, I wish you in the New Year health, success。

25、把臂膀给予飞雀就欢快了;把心抛给大海就辽阔了;把目光留给苍穹就深远了;把祝福发给你就开心了,祝周末愉快! Gives arms to fly bird is happy; The heart to the sea is vast; Looking to the sky is profound; Send blessings to you happy, I wish a happy weekend!

26、如意在袖子里;领子蕴藏体贴,口袋盛满快乐!让我的心陪伴您度过新年! Satisfied in the sleeve; The collar is considerate, pockets filled with happiness! Let my heart to accompany you spend the New Year!

27、生命是一种喜悦,愿我的生活,永远充满喜悦,祝生日快乐! Life is a joy.May my life be filled with joy forever.Happy birthday!

28、吃饱了吧,喝足了吧,该睡觉了吧,别打呼噜,影响睡眠质量。 Enough to eat,enough to drink.Its time to go to bed.Dont snore and affect the quality of sleep.

29、相亲相爱好伴侣,同德同心美姻缘。 Dating love partner,with concentric beautiful marriage.

30、又到周末,忙碌了一周的您可以稍稍休息一下了,愿初夏的暖阳伴您渡过一个轻松愉快的周末! Again by the weekend, busy week you can a little rest, may early summer warming Yang with you through a relaxed and happy weekend!

31、最好的同学,今天二十年相聚一回,接下去你的人生祝你一路平安!越走越精彩。 Best classmate, twenty years together once today, then your life wish you bon voyage! More walk more good。

32、愿你每天好心情,快乐属于你! Wish you a good mood every day,happiness belongs to you!

33、我住长江头,君住长江尾,日日思君不见君,共饮长江水。此水几时休,此恨何时已。只愿君心似我心,定不负相思意。 I live upstream, you live the Yangtze river, day after day, have you noticed, drink the Yangtze river water。 The water, how long will the hate when already。 Only willing to js mi ammy is like my heart, will not be long for meaning。

34、长大的岁月里,或许我们从未变化,只是越来越清晰地成为自己。 In the years of growing up,perhaps we have never changed,but become more and more clear about ourselves.

35、今夜我还在想着你入睡,朋友,晚安! Tonight I still think of you to sleep,friend,good night!

36、你知不知道?再多礼物,再多钱,都抵不过我生日时你当面对我说的生日快乐。 Do you know? No matter how many gifts or money,they cant even reach my birthday.You should face my happy birthday.

37、生病的是你,心痛的是我。保持健康,不仅是对自己生命的义务,也是对亲属甚至也是对社会的付出。 It is I who is sick, you heartache。 To keep healthy, is not only the obligation of his own life, also for relatives and even for the pay of the society。

38、愿你雨天心情不再幽怨,快乐总在雨天缠缠绵绵! I wish you no more bitterness in rainy days,and happiness is always lingering in rainy days!

39、新的`一岁,与过去和解,对岁月温柔。 The new year,reconciled with the past,gentle to the years.

40、愿你永远是公主,梦都被满足。 May you always be a princess and your dreams be satisfied.

41、祝你生活美满,情谊永存! I wish you a happy life and lasting friendship!

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