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2024-03-21 09:42:06

【#句子# #晚安说说英文句子简短精选#】No need to confirm repeatedly, I will always be with you. good night!~~很多人喜欢读一些有趣的句子,我们推荐你不妨读一下晚安说说英文句子简短精选,请马上收藏本页,以方便再次阅读!


1、dream的基本意思是“梦”,指人在睡眠时在大脑中形成一种幻觉。dream还可指“梦想,理想”,指在人的头脑中形成的某种愿望; 用于口语中还可指梦一般美好的人或物,即“好极了,太美了”。引申可指“幻想”。

2、Staying up late is the mother of pimples.

3、May the years be looked back, and with deep feelings, all the white heads.

4、You are the only one who can make me run, except the heavy rain. good night!

5、Who is the city in your heart.

6、On this beautiful night, I send you my best wishes before going to bed. Good night.

7、It's only interesting to be in love with you. good night!

8、Distance beats love with time.

9、I hand you like memory, memory with ear your voice, with the lip memory your taste, with the eyes remember your dribs and drabs, carefully remember everything you do, baby! I love you! Good night.

10、Sweet dreams!  甜蜜的梦!晚安!

11、What kind of flowers are there? Come and grow strawberries with me. good night!

12、The whole year is full of grand scenery, and my heart is full of joy, just because I met you.

13、I like you without permission. I'm sorry. good night!

14、Memories do not move, but I have tears.

15、Love is strange and mysterious..Just like Jelly beans..爱是陌生而且神秘的..就像Jelly beans(软糖豆)一样。

16、Its not enough to let others forgive you. Sometimes you have to forgive yourself. good night.

17、Give me your hand. Don't ask about the future or the future. I'll take you home. good night!

18、hold your hand and grow old together with you! good night!

19、Reading Chinese for ten years is better than chatting with wechat for half a year!

20、I'm not Oreo, but I can take a dip. good night!

21、If I am a wanderer, you are the world.

22、Greetings only words, but led to a string of thoughts, I wish you good night, friends!

23、A good dream has been realized, from then on, it has been happy for a long time.

24、Enter my lovesickness door, know my lovesickness bitterness.

25、Every time I see you, I forget everything and remember that I love you、good night.


26、I'm so lucky to meet you. good night!

27、I'll only borrow it once in your life. This journey is the rest of my life. good night!

28、Home is where you are. good night!

29、I can accompany you to see the stars.

30、People who really like you will say good night many times、Good night.

31、I say good night to the world and like you alone.

32、All disappointment comes from I thought..

33、For human nature, do more understanding, less judgment, not to see high or low. good night.

34、The haze is free and the stone is wild.

35、作“梦想”解时可用于“dream of+ v -ing”结构。例句:

36、To be happy every day, to be someone elses is out of reach. good night.

37、Have the person love,I will try to do a lovely man.The sun is bright, the wind and rain,do his own dream run,go his own way. 有没有人爱,我也要努力做一个可爱的人。不埋怨谁,不嘲笑谁,也不羡慕谁,阳光下灿烂,风雨中奔跑,做自己的梦,走自己的路……晚安


39、Always yield to gentleness, and you are gentleness itself! good night!

40、A man who knows bear, looking at the youth in the footsteps of more walk more far, don't panic, not unhappy, but firmly seize the pulse of The Times, in every minute, all show life wonderful.

41、Human night, one less time.

42、From any angle, you are my beauty. good night!

43、The price of courage is to let go first.

44、I hope you and I are an endless song! good night!

45、Life wish to go to Wushan, death wish to go to huangquan.

46、The older you get, the more you will find social awkwardness. Therefore, it is never wrong to have a solid grasp of the skills of survival and develop a hobby of solitude.

47、May you make trouble in my dream, and may you smile in the morning. good night!

48、Adults all over the world, children of one person. good night!

49、No need to confirm repeatedly, I will always be with you. good night!


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