





1、十年辛苦为今朝,高考一定准备好,考前吃好喝好要睡好,复习温故心中有数就好,激动心慌不要紧张就好,临场发挥正常就好,所有准备得当成绩一定会好,祝高考顺利,马到成功。 after ten years of hard work for today, we must prepare well for the college entrance examination, eat and drink well before the exam, sleep well, have a clear understanding of the past and past, be excited and not nervous, perform normally on the spot, and all preparations will be good. wishing the college entrance examination a smooth and successful journey.

2、season's greetings and sincere wishes for a bright and happy mid-autumn day!

3、攀登书山勤为径,沐浴书香心欢畅。放眼人生立目标,以苦为乐长精神。十年用心磨宝剑,今日倚剑试锋芒。智慧才思执作笔,自信相伴来答卷。榜上有名好前途,脚下之路宽又亮。全国高考日,愿学子们胜利而归。 climb the mountain of books with diligence as the path, bathe in the fragrance of books and have a joyful heart. set goals in life and cultivate a spirit of joy through hard work. ten years of careful sharpening of the sword, today i lean on it to test my sharpness. wisdom and talent hold the pen, and confidence accompany you to answer the exam. on the list, there is a promising future, but the path ahead is broad and bright. on national college entrance examination...
