



1、 老爷爷年纪大了,走路都颤微微的,你很想知道他多大年纪了,就问:

2、i"ll see to it我会留意的。

3、ferfile a.肥沃的;多产的

4、 they went all out.

5、 i'm wet all over.

6、that's the latest fashion.

7、time will tell、(时间会证明的。)

8、via prep.经由,经过,通过

9、 i saw something deeply disturbing.

10、 don't ask him.it is also at his wit's end.

11、 glad,it is all over.

12、 it isn't the way i hoped it would be.

13、restrict vt.限制,约束

14、 when you tell mary some gossip,she is all ears.

15、universal a.普遍的.,通用的;宇宙的

16、 you'll be all the better for a holiday.

17、 i hope you will excuse me if i make any mistake.

18、 he gave me a piece of mind,"don't shift responsibility onto others."

19、 never say die.it's a piece of cake.


21、 how to get at that little island is at his fingertips.

22、i saw it with my own eyes.

23、she was totally exhausted.

24、approach v.靠近,接近 n.途径,方式

25、 don't worry.you'll get use to it soon.

26、he doesn't care about me.

27、i would like to check out.

28、it"s a small world、(世界真小。)

29、 she is all dressed up and nowhere to go.

30、i have a surprise for you.

31、 you have a beautiful personality.

32、mature a.成熟的

33、 all you have to do.

34、how"s everything?一切还好吧?

35、 every family has a black sheep.

36、 you are coming alone well.

37、appoint v...
