1、so believe me, if a man treats you like he doesn't care, he really doesn't care about you at all. there are no exceptions.所以相信我,如果一个男人对待你的方式就像他毫不在乎一样,那么他真的是完全不在意你的。没有例外。——《其实他没那么喜欢你》
2、you don't know the real loss. you can only realize it by loving others better than yourself.你不了解真正的失去,唯有爱别人胜于自己才能体会。——《心灵捕手》
3、listen, it's normal not to forget your first love.听着,忘不了初恋是正常的。——《恋恋笔记本》
5、i want to be the master of life, not a slave.人并非生来就伟大,而是越活越伟大。——《教父》
6、dear, it's strange today. yesterday everything was as usual. i was thinking whether i had changed quietly in the long night.亲爱的,今天真奇怪,昨天一切如常,我在想,漫漫长夜我是否悄然改变。——《爱丽丝梦游仙境》
7、telling the truth is always better than lying.说真话永远比说谎要好。——《哈利·波特》
8、it took me a lifetime to learn to be careful. women and children can be careless, but men can't.我花了一辈子就学会了小心,女人和小孩能够粗心大意,但是男人不行。——《教父》
9、he released all the charm of those eyes on me, as if trying to tell me something important.他把那双眼睛的全部魅力都释放在我身上了,好像试图跟我说某件至关重要的事情似的。——《暮光之城》
10、she's my sister. she won't hurt me.她是我姐姐...