


2024-10-16 14:30:30

重阳节作文50字左右 篇1

The Mid Autumn Festival may be the festival with the deepest imprint of the Chinese nation. From the Tang and Song dynasties, literati and courtesans, to todays family reunions and joyful family gatherings How many years have passed! Mid-Autumn Festival, full of historical time and space, brings people endless dreams and imagination. And the moon, because of this beautiful festival, appears mysterious and charming, warm and romantic.

I have had countless dreams. Dreaming of a deep courtyard that can hide the moon; Dreaming of the tired moon hiding in the clouds, leaving only a few stars seemingly on lookout; Dreaming of Changes beautiful face and icy skirt; Dreamed of the osmanthus tree transmitting the eternal fragrance; Many uncommon family members reunite and spend the Mid Autumn Festival together

Night is extremely quiet. The full moon travels through the clouds, casting a silver hue on the earth. Looking up at the bright moon, bowing my head to think of my hometown. The more I enjoy the silver glow of the moonlight, the more I miss my distant hometown.

"The night sky is as cool as water, sitting and watching the morning glory of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl." The quiet night sky is like a soft and smooth blue silk, and a full moon like a jade plate sprinkles its bright radiance. Moonlight cascaded down through the mottled tree crevices, spreading a layer of broken silver on the ground, and every green leaf seemed to be quietly immersed in milk. The flowers at the foot of the wall are draped in a light veil like water, swaying slender branches like red clouds, emitting a intoxicating floral fragrance.

"When will the bright moon appear?" Zizhan asked the moon as he drank. On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, brothers separated and there was no news. Only the bright moon and solitary shadows accompany, dancing and playing with the clear shadows, unable to sleep all night. Alright, what if we cant meet again? "I hope people will last for a long time and share the beauty of a thousand miles." Under the full moon, even if separated by thousands of miles, it can still be considered a kind of reunion!

Appreciating the moon during the Mid Autumn Festival, the moon can also be read, thought about, and tasted. The full moon and the absence of the moon are the most wonderful transformations in nature, constantly moving back and forth. Isnt life like this? Fortune and misfortune depend on each other, and both good and bad coexist. People often lose themselves in the fields of fame, fortune, and social media, indulging in extravagance when they are pleased, and sympathizing with others when they are disappointed. And the moon, still hanging in the sky, silently carrying out its own cycle, seems to be telling people something







重阳节作文50字左右 篇2

Today is the Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival) Festival. According to Chinese tradition, we must eat rice dumpling today, which means reunion.

Grandma called her mother last night and asked her mother to make sure that my father and I would eat rice dumpling today. But no one in our family likes to eat rice dumpling. My mother was very upset. After a while of frowning, she suddenly came up with a good idea. This idea originated from the French fries this morning. Guess what the idea is. OK, let me tell you, its fried rice dumpling!

Generally, rice dumpling is cooked by dropping rice dumpling into the boiling water and then floating on the water when it is fully cooked. This is how to fry rice dumpling. Put more oil in the pan. When the oil is 50% hot, put rice dumpling one by one in the pan. When the oil is 89% hot, start to stir fry rice dumpling, and keep stirring. About one or two minutes later, we heard a "Pa" sound. My mother and I were shocked. When we looked carefully, it turned out that the surface of rice dumpling was cracked by heat, and then we heard the "Pa" sound again and again. "Is it almost ripe?" My mother asked me. I looked at the rice dumpling in the pot, looked at my mother, and shook my head like a rattle. Its out of the pot. Hmm, it smells delicious, but its a bit strange. My mother laughingly called it "spotted dog" rice dumpling.

In this Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival) Festival full of laughter and laughter, we tasted another kind of rice dumpling. Anyway, I wish you all progress in the new year! Happiness and happiness!





重阳节作文50字左右 篇3

People always eat zongzi and watch dragon boat races to celebrate it on the Dragon Boat Festival.

The festival is best known for its dragon boat races, especially in the southern regions where there are many rivers and lakes. Its very popular.

Zongzi is made of glutinous rice, meat and so on. You can eat different kinds of zongzi. Theyre delicious. The Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate Qu Yuan. He was an honest minister, and it is said that he committed suicide by throwing himself into a river.

Overall, the Dragon Boat Festival is very interesting!





重阳节作文50字左右 篇4




重阳节作文50字左右 篇5

"Until Double Ninth Day, there will be chrysanthemums." Every time I see this poem, I think of the special Double Ninth Festival I celebrated in Happy Essay - brewing chrysanthemum tea.

I picked up the dry chrysanthemums and carefully examined them. Its petals are golden on the outside, light yellow on the inside, and the stamens are deep yellow. I flipped over and saw that the flower holder was a dry dark green color. I saw that some dried chrysanthemums are elliptical, some are circular, and some have been pressed into irregular shapes. I grabbed a small petal and placed it in my hand. It floated lightly, and upon smelling it, a strong herbal scent penetrated my nose.

On this autumn breeze day, I want to brew a delicious cup of chrysanthemum tea. I picked up a few chrysanthemums and gently let go. The chrysanthemums jumped into the cup like mischievous children. Some chrysanthemums hold their heads high, as if tired children are sleeping in bed; Some are lying down, like a gentle little dog; Some are leaning sideways, as if they are looking at the scenery outside. I poured boiling water into the cup, and some chrysanthemums swirled around like mischievous children playing in the water; Some slowly rise, like butterflies dancing gracefully; Some are rising rapidly, like swimmers competing to see who swims faster. After a while, Chrysanthemum transformed from a wrinkled old lady to a graceful and beautiful girl. I took a small sip, and a slight bitterness filled my mouth. In an instant, the bitterness had passed away, leaving only a faint fragrance. I seem to have turned into a chrysanthemum, with butterflies whispering to me and telling me some joyful news.

Chrysanthemum tea not only has a sweet taste, but also is rich in nutrients and has powerful effects. It is not only beneficial for weight loss, but drinking it regularly in summer can prevent heatstroke!

How can I not like such delicious chrysanthemum tea?






重阳节作文50字左右 篇6

The dragon boat festival in our hometown is to wrap zongzi together with the whole family to eat zongzi. Because in ancient times,we had to take an examination of the champion,so we had to eat zongzi and wrap them together,which represented " in the whole family".

Our hometown is wrapped in zongzi like this:first,fold two leaves together,then put a layer of mixed glutinous rice on it,then put a layer of mung bean kernels,then put a layer of pickled fatty pork,finally put a layer of mung bean kernels and glutinous rice on each,roll up the leaves and tie the rope. A big zongzi will be wrapped!

Dragon boat races will also be held in our hometown. A drum came," dragon boat is coming! " I said excitedly to my mother. People cheered," come on,come on. " this scene is really busy!

This is the dragon boat festival in our hometown. Come and have a look when you have the opportunity. we welcome you!





重阳节作文50字左右 篇7






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