1、在我们的一生中,没有人会为你等待,没有机遇会为你停留,成功也需要速度。 in our life, no one will wait for you, no opportunity will stay for you, success also needs speed.
2、安全感不是别人给的,它取决于你有多爱自己,吃饱穿暖,手机有电,钱包永远不扁。 security is not given by others. it depends on how much you love yourself, how full and warm you are, how electric your cell phone is, and how flat your wallet is.
3、勤学苦练,斗志昂扬。 study hard, fight high.
4、你必须暗自努力,才能在人前显得轻松如意。 you have to work on your own to be relaxed in front of people.
5、等待与时间无关,它是一种习惯。它自由生长,而我无力抵抗。 waiting has nothing to do with time. it's a habit. it grows freely, and i can't resist it.
6、各位亲爱的同学,高考奋斗的路上很苦,但请你足够相信。 dear students, the road of college entrance examination is very hard, but please believe it.
7、一个人如果胸无大志,既使再有壮丽的举动也称不上是伟人。 if a man has no ambition, he can't be called a great man even if he does magnificent deeds.
8、若不是没有心甘情愿的得到,哪儿会有不甘气馁的笑。 if it weren't for the unwillingness to get, there would be a reluctant laugh.
9、知识是珍贵宝石的结晶,文化是宝石放出来的光泽。 knowledge is the crystal of precious gems, and culture is the luster of gems.
10、墙高万丈,挡的只是不来的人,要来,千军万马也是挡不住的。 the wall is so high that only those who don't come can be blocked. if they want to come, thousands of troops and horses can't be blocked....