





1、祝你俩永浴爱河,白头偕老! wish you two always be in love, grow old together!

2、上帝赐福于你,愿你们一生一世都看见圣城耶路撒冷的好处! god bless you, wish you life to see the benefits of the holy city, jerusalem!

3、today is indeed a joyous occasion for all of us present here. 对我们列席的每个人而言,今天真是个令人欢欣的日子。

4、于茫茫人海中找到她,分明是千年前的一段缘,祝你俩幸福美满,共谐连理。 in the boundless huge crowd to find her, clear is one thousand years ago in a period of fate, i wish you both happiness, total harmonic coyly.

5、have you more sweet, this life is hand in hand, life is not regret, happiness is in it, happiness without words.

6、相亲相爱幸福永,同德同心幸福长。愿你俩情比海深! love each other and happiness with concentric happiness. may you two deep feeling than the sea!

7、祝愿,祝哥哥嫂嫂白头偕老,早生贵子,夫妻恩爱。 i wish my brother and sister-in-law a long life together, early birth of anoble son, and love between husband and wife.

8、看见你俩开始生活在一起,我内心充满了欢愉。 the sight of you two beginning together, i am filled with such joy.

9、my heart felt congratulations on your coming happy union! 谨向你们即将到来的幸福结合致以衷心的祝贺。

10、恭喜你找到共度一生的灵魂伴侣,婚姻是人生大事,相信你做出的会是最明智的决定。 congratulations you find soul mate for life, marriage is a great life, be...
