





1、true friendship lasts forever. 真正的友谊恒久不变。

2、爱情会让人们流泪,而友情的存在就是帮人们擦干眼泪。 love makes people cry, while friendship helps people dry their tears.

3、友情是一场甘霖,是人受到心灵的滋润。 friendship is a rain, is the soul of the moisture.

4、不是你我彼此的错,只是我们的爱情败给了时间,还有等待。 it's not your fault or mine, but our love has lost to time and we still have to wait.

5、消费观不一样,尽量不要一起出去玩。 consumption is not the same, try not to go out to play together.

6、你永远都不会知道自己到底有多坚强,直到有一天你除了坚强别无选择。 you never know how strong you are until one day you have no choice but to be strong.

7、当你爱上的不是一张脸,而是一个人,你才真的长大了。 when you fall in love with not a face, but a person, you really grow up.

8、我是怎样的一个女子,半夜看着别人的故事,自己哭的一塌糊涂。 what kind of a woman i am, watching other people's stories in the middle of the night, crying a mess of their own.

9、是否你也像我一样,用言不由衷的话语,逼走最爱的人,然后独自心痛。 whether you, like me, use insincere words to force away your loved ones, and then grieve alone.

10、我还是会想你,无论你给过我多痛的伤。 i will still miss you, no matter how painful you hurt me.

11、我是真的很爱你,闭上眼睛,以为我能够忘记,但流下的眼泪,却没有骗到自己。 i really love you, close my eyes, think i can forget, but shed tears, but did ...
