






2、i want to tell you on this special day that i'm very glad, time hasn't changed our friendship any. hoping your birthday is great. 在这特殊的日子里,我想说我真高兴,时光没有改变我们的友谊,祝你生日其乐无穷。

3、you are still young and beautiful in my calendar and the extra year seems indeed to have improved your looks. happy birthday to you! 在我的日历上,你依然年轻美丽,而这特别的一年使你的容貌似乎更增光彩。 祝生日快乐!

4、please accept my small gift for your birthday. it is a tiny token1 of thoughts and friendship.a very,very happy birthday! 请接受我送给你的生日小礼物,它是思念和友谊的象征。生日特别快乐!

5、因为你收到了我的祝福,相信你今天过得会很开心! because you have received my best wishes, i believe you will have a very happy day today!

6、may each hour be happy one on this special day. may the day ahead be more than happy, too, as all your dreams and plans work out just right for you. 祝你在这特殊的日子里,时时刻刻都充满快乐,祝你来日多福,捷报频传!

7、permit me to congratulate you on reaching another of these today.may each day be as happy as your birthday.have a wonderful birthday! 祝贺你抵达了生命的又一个里程碑,愿你每天都象过生日一样充满喜悦。祝你生日无比快乐!

8、 each birthday is a milestone we touch along life's way. 每个生...
